Dwalin ~ Another One Bites the Dust

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A part of Dwalin had hoped that, as he got older, he wouldn't have to worry about chasing after troublemakers anymore. It was a dream, he knew that, after all, his loyalty lied with Thorin and besides Thorin himself, his two nephews were always in some sort of trouble.

But a dwarf can dream.

He knew as soon as he saw you, that his life was going to be wrought by misery from it, because he knew that you were his, and he knew that trouble clearly followed you everywhere.

Bilbo's cousin, a "Took" as he put it, eyes practically sparking with mischief as you watched him enter Bilbo's home, a look that only seemed to increase the more dwarves that arrived, and Dwalin couldn't help but sigh to himself.

You were the reason that Bilbo ultimately joined the quest and, at the same time, managed to invite yourself along. Two hobbits were better than one, you said.

Dwalin suddenly found himself keeping a close eye on you, who, which he had really hoped wouldn't happen, was drawn to Fili and Kili, the three of you getting along swimmingly, all the other dwarves weary when you'd sit and talk in hushed voices. In watching the friendship grow as the journey went on it's way, he also learned that, along with trouble making, you weren't afraid to get your hands dirty.

Which is why he was furious you went into the cave on your own.

Most nights, you, Fili and Kili, went and explored the surrounding area, mostly to make sure it was safe, but all the others knew that it was easier not having the three of you around, knowing the chaos that the three of you could bring. On this particular night, the three of you encountered a cave.

The two young dwarves didn't want to go in, but you, quickly stealing one of Fili's knives, had no such qualms, striding in even as the two of them called back after you.

The roar from the cave, quickly had Kili running back to the others, leaving Fili anxiously on guards.

Kili burst into the camp, everyone instantly on edge. "I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is."

Once they got him to slow down and explain, Dwalin was the first to start moving, grumbling as he did, much to the amusement of some of them, knowing how he felt about you.

Dwalin even stormed past Fili as he spluttered at the mouth of the cave, trying to stop him and let everyone regathered, but Dwalin only had one track of mind.

Getting you out of there.

His grip was firm on his axe as he marched in, his teeth gritted, body tensing for whatever battle he was about to face.

The beasts growl rumbled through the cave and Dwalin squinted a little, trying to see it up ahead in the darkness, trying to push the worry of you into the back of his mind.

As he got closer, he could make out a small shape in the darkness, one he didn't recognise at first until he heard a very hurried 'shhhh!'.

He pauses and blinks a few times, you slowly coming into view, gaze straight ahead, waving back at him to be quiet.

Dwalin slowed his footfall, but doesn't stop until he reaches you, joining you in a crouch as you look deeper in the cave. "What are you doing Y/N?"

"Watching," You whispered back. "I'm alright before you ask."

Dwalin fought the urge to grab you and drag you back to safety. "It's not safe in here Y/N."

"Oh pish posh," You smile at him, patting his arm as you start to move forward. "If there was any real danger, I wouldn't be in here."

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