Bilbo ~ Joy

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You sat at the kitchen table waiting patiently, too nervous to do much except ring your hands and tap the table, torn between waiting and going to wake Bilbo up.

Finally, you heard the bedroom door open and a heavy yawn beyond, making you smile as he came into the kitchen.

At first Bilbo gave you a warm, sleepy smile, before his brows knitted in concern. "Are you alright Y/N?"

You beamed, even as your voice came out unnaturally high. "Of course!" You cleared your throat. "Can I not wait eagerly for my husband to get up?"

Bilbo nods but then his frown deepens. "Y/N...why are you acting weird?"

"I'm not!" You stood and started to busy yourself around the kitchen. "Would you like some breakfast?"

He watches you as he slowly sits, still unsure of what is happening, even as you start to cook without an answer.

You began to hum, trying to ignore Bilbo's eyes on your back and swallow your nerves, wanting to say something but not sure how and feeling your face flush the longer he watched you.

"Not going to answer me Bilbo?" You asked as casually as you could.

"Well, you've already started cooking so I think my answer is kind of pointless." He said with a small smile even as you tense a little.

"I-well-I wanted to start cooking." You glanced at him, finding him both amused and baffled. "Did you want anything with breakfast?"

"Well, seeing as you asked..." Bilbo rubs his chin, pretending to think about it.


He chuckles. "Tea would be nice. Thank you for asking Y/N."

You huff a little, busying yourself again. Bilbo relaxes after a little while, although he was still amused.

However, he couldn't stand seeing your hands shake as you brought over the kettle, trying to pour the tea into the cups.

Bilbo's hands rest over yours. "Y/N, I cannot stand seeing you like this. What is going on?"

You drew in a shuddering breath, a nervous smile making your lips twitch and so Bilbo led you to the chair, getting you to sit down where he pushed his tea towards you.

"Relax Y/N, it's only me, what could you possibly be this nervous about?"

It took you a long moment, breathing deeply, starting several times before you had to cut yourself off, almost breaking into giggles.

Bilbo couldn't help but smile, watching you. "I don't think I've ever seen you like this before."

"Well, it's because I have something important to tell you." You finally said coherently, looking at him with wide, nervous eyes. "And, well, I haven't been really sure how to tell you."

Bilbo raises an eyebrow. "Why can't you just tell me?"

It seemed so foolish, but you beamed none the less. "Always with the good ideas huh?"

"I try."

You laugh and take his hands tightly in yours. "Bilbo, I'm pregnant."

He stilled for a moment, staring at you as you beamed at him before his started to smile. "Really?"

You nod, the tears finally starting and Bilbo laughs, pulling you into his arms as the two of you both started to laugh and cry at the same time and it was some time again before either of you could talk coherently again.

The Hobbit ~ Tumblr ChallengesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ