Fili ~ Being scared is fickle, being...

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Training always took your mind off of things, never failing to engulf you in a world where only sweat and hard work mattered.

Unfortunately it made you susceptible to being snuck up on and two brothers used that to their full advantage.

You supposed you should've been relieved that today it was only Fili, but it didn't stop the shriek that left you, or the laughter from Fili even as he has to quickly duck from your sword.

"Fili!" You screeched. "Don't do that!"

Fili was still laughing, holding his sides. "But you make it so easy."

"Oh, I will give you easy." You marched towards him, sword forward.

Fili was quick to pick up another training blade, holding it before him. "Well, it's about time you practiced properly."

"Ugh!" You swung in wildly, wanting nothing more than to just hit him, your heart still pounding from the shock.

"All those hours you practise and you are still this sloppy Y/N?" He laughed. "Looks like you could use a few lessons."

"I swear Fili, one day I am going to kill you and your brother." You growled, fighting harder. "The amount of times you two have scared me like this-"

"Then you need to start learning to be more aware!" Fili cut in. "We're only helping!"

"That doesn't help!" With a fast swift movement that Fili clearly wasn't expecting, you disarmed him, the sword flying away and burying into the ground.

Fili stared at the sword, stunned, before he looked back at you, your own sword resting on his shoulder. "Well, I guess I should eat my words a little huh?"

"Better yet, you can apologise." You snarled, not moving.

"Aww, come Y/N, I was only-

"Don't you dare say you were joking Fili because I have had enough!" You snapped, eyes flashing. "Now, give me a good reason not to currently beat you black and blue!"

Fili gave you an oddly calculating look, fighting down a smirk which had your eyes narrowing. "Being scared is fickle, being-" Fili's face paled so quickly that you froze, his eyes wide with fear as he leapt back. "HOLY SHIT IT'S A SPIDER! KILL IT!"

You frowned, turning slowly as you followed Fili's gaze.

On the ground near where his sword landed, was a black spider. It wasn't big, but still a decent size and very unfazed by the two of you standing there.

You could practically feel Fili trembling at your back. "Y/N...kill it..."

Glancing back at him, you smirked. "You're not scared of this little guy are you?"

"Y/N, please just get rid of it." He wasn't budging, making sure that you stayed between him and the spider.

You chuckled and moved to the spider, carefully placing your hand down and letting it crawl onto it and lifting it up. "Look at him Fili, he's harmless."

Fili leapt back as you approached, his eyes wide and it was clear he was trying and failing to hold back his panic. "Y/N, don't-"

"Hold out your hand."




You giggled, moving your hand with the spider so it didn't fall off and you didn't scare him too much. "What was that about fear Fili?"

His face flushed. "This is a bit different to being jump scared."

"Uh huh," You said and moved over to a tree, letting the spider move off and quickly disappear. "Of all the things to be afraid of, I never saw you as a spider hater."

"You didn't kill it," He said it meekly. "What if-what if-

"Fili, there are spiders everywhere, they are apart of life." You smiled. "I'm not just going to kill them because you are scared."

He went an even darker shade of red. "Some-some are poisonous Y/N! You-you don't know what they could be capable of!"

You chuckled. "Oh Fili, if you spend your days in fear if spiders, you're not going to be able to get very far. A good outlook for a future king."

This seem to snap Fili out of it a little. "I don't live every day in fear."

You smirked. "It certainly seems like it, the way you are carrying on."

Fili blinks a few times before it seems to catch on what exactly happened, his chest puffing out. "I don't know what you are talking about Y/N, clearly, I scared you too hard."

Chuckling, you shake your head. "You may have got me Fili, but at least I didn't shriek at the sight of a little spider." You look at him, a sparkle of mischief in your eyes. "So...who else knows about this little fear of yours?"

He deflates almost instantly, eyes going wide again. "Oh no...Y/N, you cannot tell anyone!"

"Why not?"

"Because...because..." It was clear he was trying to think of something clever or at least reasonable, but eventually, he groans. "Because it's embarrassing, okay? And I especially don't need people trying to get back at me with it."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Really? Why would they ever do such a thing I wonder?"

Fili frowns at you. "Now Y/N-"

"Yes Fili?"

His jaw clenches, just making you smile more. "Y/N, I'm sure you're not the type of person that would use this against me right?"

"I don't know why I would do that? We are considered friends right?"

He sighed, defeated. "What...what do I have to do to make sure that you don't?"

You laugh. "Oh Fili, don't sound so defeated, I'm sure I'll think of something."

Fili blinks. "What? Oh come on Y/N! That's not fair."

"Should've thought of that before scaring me today, shouldn't you?"


"Oh and Fili?"


"I promise you won't see it coming."

Giggling, you turn and run, Fili staring for a moment before shouting after you and following.

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