Legolas ~ Outlaws of Love

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It had been an unlikely meeting, lost in the woods as you were after getting separated from the Company, but a meeting that would change your life nonetheless.

You didn't know how long you'd been lost for just wondering aimlessly, not game enough to call out for help, but you became very aware of when you heard screaming from deeper within the forest, recognising several voices.

Hurrying, you ran as fast as you dared, towards the source of all the noise, which had quickly turned to fighting, and just as you almost thought that you were there, you were stopped short as an elf landed in front of you, bow drawn.

You hand rested on your sword.

"I wouldn't recommend it." The elf said. "You'd be dead before you got close."

"I'm faster than I look." You replied, but let go of your sword. "I mean no threat to you, elf, if you mean no threat to me."

It fairly dark in this part of the forest, so you couldn't be entirely sure of his expression.

"How are you so separated from your companions?" He asked.

You shrugged. "A poor sense of direction inherited from my father, that, and I don't think this forest really agrees with many people."

There are more shouts then, making him pause and lower his bow slightly, before nodding at you. "Come. You will all be taken to my father."

You bit your tongue against a retort and instead walked in front of him where he gestured, his bow at your back.

"Y/N!" Thorin called, both concerned and furious, seeing you practically at the mercy of the elf.

You grimace. "I was wondering if I'd catch up to you lot."

Shoved towards the others, you rolled your eyes, glaring back at the elf, only to temporarily freeze, an odd familiarity going through you.

You knew that feeling, having had it described to you enough times, and currently, you didn't like it one bit, glaring at the elf a little oddly.

His bow was still drawn on you, but something in your gaze made him lower it slightly and you had a moment to wonder if elves felt it as you did.

Duty seemed intent on not letting it go any further though as you were taken to the Kingdom of Mirkwood and learnt that he was Prince Legolas, something that made your stomach twist in a way that you wish it didn't, his name seeming to echo around your ears.

Shoved in cells, everyone was quick to make sure that you were alright, something you quickly brushed off to try and get away from the cell door so you could sit and think.

Legolas came and saw you that night, the snores of the others keeping his steps silent.

"So, the heir of Durin, you share your fathers skill of direction, but how does it go for diplomacy?" He asked from the doorway.

You snorted. "I share the same views as he, Prince Legolas of the Woodland realm, and I would certainly feel a lot better if you just called me Y/N. That heir nonsense is for those that need to know my title."

"And as a prince, I do not?"

"As a captor, you do not. Speak to me on even grounds and it may be a different story."

Legolas smiled, which brought back the twist in your stomach.

"You seem awfully calm about all this."

You shrugged. "What's the point of being riled up about it? I'm in this situation whether I like it or not."

"Your father doesn't seem to follow that opinion."

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