Legolas ~ Centuries

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In the brief time that Legolas had known you he couldn't deny that you had an unusual attitude. You were just as stubborn and defiant as your dwarven counter parts, but there was a death and glory air to you that had him more worried than he should have been for a prisoner.

When he actually go to witness you fighting, he could see that you had every reason to be confident in your abilities, even in a disadvantage as you were.

He was stunned howver when he found you with the men of Lake Town.

Your weapons drew on him as soon as you saw him. "I don't recommend it."

Legolas holds up his hands, not wanting to fight. "I'm not here for you."

You don't lower your weapon. "That's comforting.

He frowns. "We saved your lives."

"Your point?"

Legolas sighs. "Look, I'm just looking for my friend, have you seen her?"

Your guard lowers a little. "Now you know what it feels like." He doesn't get a chance to respond as you turn away, calling back to him. "Follow me."

It surprised him that you were true to your word, leading him to Tauriel, although he wasn't sure how he felt about what he saw.

"So you understand that too." You from next to him, making him look at you. "Guess things are more out of both our control than we would like."

He followed your gaze, which was on Kili. "It would seem so."

"I have an excuse," You look up at him. "What's yours?"

"Not far different from yours," He said grimly. "But it is not our business or place."

"No, it is not." You look amongst the people. "There is war coming, I hope you are ready for it."

Legolas watches as you disappear into the people, even as Fili calls out after you to join them.

The next time he saw you was wounded on the battlefield, not that it slowed you down, more so he was sure that it was fueling you.

Tauriel was already off, so he quickly moved to your side. "Are you alright?"

"This is what I live for prince," You growled. "I don't recommend getting in my way."

"I'm not in your way, I'm helping; you look like you could use it." He said, taking out an orc.

You don't say anything, taking out two orcs with a viscious snarl.

The two of you fought easily together until you got separated in the streets of Dale, Legolas becoming distracted by Tauriel heading to Raven Hill.

It was there though that he saw the real you.

Legolas wasn't sure how you made it up the mountain, wasn't sure how you could keep fighting as you did, as wounded in as you were, and yet your blade remained true to every swing, taking down orc after orc that came between you and those you cared about.

As he defended you, as he tried to help keep you alive, his heart thudded painfully as he thought of ancient tales, of might warriors slain in battle, of how similar your own story was becoming.

He didn't get a chance to fight long, the tower crumbling beneath him, distracting him.

It wasn't until the dust had settled, till the battle was well and truly over and he was preparing to leave, unable to stay, that he found you again.

You were struggling, weakened by blood loss, but still you were trying to get away from it all.

Legolas takes your arm before you can collapse, making you send him a dark look.

"You will not get far like this," He said gently. "You'd be better off being treated by the healers."

You snort in defiance. "Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold, but you will remember me, remember me for centuries..." You wince as you try and keep going. "And I don't want to be remembered as the one that succumbed to her wounds."

"So you'd rather be the fool that let herself die from her injuries?" Legolas asked with some amusement. "The way you are going they would find you when it was much too late."

"I'd rather they didn't find me at all." You grumble. "It would make things a hell of a lot easier."

"Life's not meant to be easy." He said, starting to help you turn around, leading you back towards the city. "And you will be just as remembered when you survive as if you simply disappeared into the wind. At least this way you can take part in the celebration afterward."

You snort, but let him guide you, for the first time in your life not wanting to fight anymore. "I don't have much left to celebrate."

Legolas swallows and nods. "There's always something celebrate."

A smirk tugs at your lips, even as you sink a little further against him. "Well, if I make it through this, maybe we can find that answer together? Fresh start and all that."

"In all honesty, that sounds a good a plan as any." He gets the attention of several dwarves he can see, them instantly running over. "But first you have to make it through this."

You laugh, even through the pain, giving him a grin. "Haven't you learnt yet prince? I'm tougher than I look."

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