Thorin ~ On this day...

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You were a bundle of nerves, even as Thorin's hand held yours tightly and he hummed to you as you walked, knowing that it soothed you. It didn't make up for the fact that the two of you were married now, that were officially his Queen, it had been such a mad rush of emotions that it was all just settling in one now.

Thorin glanced at you, catching the worry in your look. He squeezes your hand. "We are almost there my love."

You forced a smile. You were happy, you were, but you were worried about all that would come next.

The air left you as you saw the small cottage by the lake, a beautiful sight before you as the sun was starting to set, and for a moment you had to focus as tears threatened to overwhelm you.

Thorin chuckled lightly. "Come, wait till you see it up close."

You let yourself be led and you could almost feel your heart swell as you approached it.

"It's beautiful," You said, a little breathlessly. "Oh Thorin, I love it."

He kisses your hand as he opens the door. "This is all for you my love."

"Me?" You squeaked a little. "You had a house built for me?"

Thorin nods and waves his hand as if it was no big deal. "I know that you like your time away from everything, that you like the quiet, and I know that you've held fond memories from this place since your childhood, so it is all yours."

You stared around at the rich wood, the heavy stone, the carefully craft furniture and just felt your heart leap, beaming at it, unable to control the curl of excitement going through you.

Thorin watched you, smiling in admiration and affection as you explored the small space, taking in everything that you could.

Eventually, you seemed to realise what you were doing, your face flushing as you find Thorin staring. "Sorry." You said quickly.

He chuckles and moves to the fire place, quickly getting it going. "You have nothing to apologise for Y/N. I love watching you like this, it reminds me why I fell in love with you to begin with."

You giggle. "Quite literally if I remember."

He shrugs. "What can I say, the pole was not worth seeing after seeing you."

You giggled again before you squealed when Thorin spun you around, both of you laughing.

Thorin rests his forehead against yours. "Y/ Y/N...what would I do without you?"

It seemed to all come back to you then, making you shiver and bite your lip as you step away. "I'm sure you'd be fine Thorin."

He tilts his head, looking at you. "Y/N?"

"You are a wonderful King," You said quickly. "The people deserve you and everything you stand for. You would-"

"My love, stop." Thorin said gently, taking your face in his hands gently so you'd meet his eye. "You will be a fine queen, as you already have been by my side, there is nothing for you to fear."


"Hush," He kisses you softly. "On this day I'm not worrying about anything but what we want, just you and me. That is all that matters here."

You sigh. "Thorin, I just don't know-"

His kiss is firmer this time, convincing you with emotion rather than words of what he was saying. You whimpered a little into the kiss, giving yourself over to it and to Thorin, who pulled you firmly against him.

Breaking away, you both just breathe together for a long moment, foreheads resting together.

You give a carefree smile. "I love you Thorin."

He smiles with you, kissing you for a moment longer before moving away. "Sit down by the fire love, I will get us some food and then perhaps we can go for a walk, it is a beautiful night out."

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