Bofur ~ Awe

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Bofur wasn't overly sure how he felt about receiving surprises, he liked giving them, especially to you, but being on the receiving end of one was making him more than a little nervous.

You giggled, holding his hands as you led him through the house. "Relax Bofur, have you really known me to pull a prank like this?"

"Well, no, but you've never lead me blindfolded anywhere either." He countered, his hat over his eyes as the blindfold, something you'd pulled down, surprising him in the first place.

Your second giggle was not reassuring and his hand squeezes yours.

"I promise you'll like it."

The path you were leading him through your home had him more than a little confused, it felt like it was too full of twists and turns and it took him a moment to realise that you were doing it intentionally.

"Y/N, what are you doing?"

"Well, I can't have you figuring it out too quickly."

Bofur groaned and held your hand tighter, his heart rate picking up. "Y/N come on."

"Don't be a spoil sport," You whined slightly. "Come on Bofur, you trust me right?"

"Of course I do."

"Good." You stopped and squeezed his hand, the smile evident in your voice. "Because otherwise I wouldn't have shown you this."

Bofur lets you pull him into the room, choosing not to say anything, anticipation making him swallow hard.

"Okay," You let go of his hand and Bofur felt momentarily alone until your hands rested on his cheeks. "This isn't what it looks like. So no freaking out okay?"

You pulled his hat free from his eyes and Bofur blinked in the light to get his eyes to adjust. He made out what was your room, usually full of all your art and craft supplies that Bofur had spent many hours just watching you making, your passion for your art clear.

But now, it was all packed away to the side, making Bofur frown.

"Y/N, what-" He turned to look at you, but instantly stopped as his gaze landed on the rest of the room, his eyes going wide, making you giggle and take his hand.

"Something you want to say Bofur?"

The room had been decorated with toys, some made by his own hand, and it was bright and colourful, almost surreal compared to what he was used to. A mural was started on the wall, almost complete, filled with mountains and plains and stars and in front of all that was a crib.

"You're..." Bofur wasn't sure what to say, even as you squeezes his hand.

"Uh huh." You confirmed, watching him as he took it all in, his wonder filled gaze turning to you.

"So I'm..."

"Going to be a father."

Joy broke over Bofur's face as his eyes shined with tears and he laughed, pulling you into his arms with a cheer, making you giggle as he holds you tight and swings you around.

"Oh Y/N, do you have any idea-"

"I'm sure I do."

He kisses you hard, the smile clear on his lips before he breaks away, looking at you in complete reverence. "How did you even manage all this?"

"Bombur and Bifur."

"Is that why they've been acting so smug?"

You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Most likely."

Bofur knew he should say something, but in that moment he just didn't want to, resting his head against yours with a sigh, just letting you both breathe for a moment, before looking back at the room, the awe in his gaze. "I didn't think I could ever be more in love with you."

You wrap your arms around him. "Want to help me finish it?"

He nods and kisses your head. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure."

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