Kili ~ Hostility

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"Aren't you a bit old for that?"

Kili froze at your tone, his expression guilty as he turned to look at you in the dim lantern light that he'd been working in, trying to hide what he'd been making behind him.

"What are you doing up Y/N?" He asked softly. "You need to be resting."

You pull your gown tight around you, making your slightly swollen stomach stand out. "I would've been resting had I not woken up and discovered my husband was not there."

Kili sighs. "I'm sorry Amralime, I did not think to disturb you."

"What could you possibly be doing?" You snapped, trying to move around him and see what was behind his back. "Kili, I mean it, what-"

"I can't show you," He said quickly, making your eyes narrow. "And I know that is not the explanation you want right now nor one you are in the mood for, but this is the only time I have currently have time to work on it."

"What is it Kili?"

"A surprise."

"We're too old for surprises." You practically growl and try again, Kili just stepping out of reach.

Kili chuckles. "If you were thinking clearly, then you would be in agreeance with me that we are not too old for anything. So I need you to stop, and calm down."


His gaze is nothing but gentle, despite the near livid expression drawn on your face, made worse by the lantern light. "Trust me love, please. Take a breath and calm down and head back to bed, I will join you shortly."

Your glare deepens and you make a lunge for Kili, but he turns and you start to slip, falling. Luckily Kili was light on his feet, wrapping an arm around you to stop your fall.

You burst into tears, the tension that had been in the room shifting and Kili gives a soft, worried sigh, quickly tucking away what he'd been working on before pulling you securely into his arms.

"I am sorry you are suffering so my love," He said quietly as he placed kisses into your hair. "It was not my intention to make you so upset."

You sobbed. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess Kili, you deserve so much better."

"Y/N, you have nothing to worry about," Kili sits you down and brings your head up to look at him. "I am here for you through all this, both good and bad."

He gently wipes the tears from your eyes, making you sigh and lean into him. "I still shouldn't have been so angry at you. That was awful, all the things that went through my mind..." You shuddered.

Kili still smiles though. "I promise love, there's nothing you do that will upset me. We both know it'll only be a bit longer before the little one will be here," He chuckles. "Then there will be a whole new thing to worry about."

You pout and hit him a little. "Don't joke, I'm still mad."

Kili laughs though. "Come on love, let's get you back into bed."

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