Dwalin ~ Warriors

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Dwalin watched you from across the room, watched the way you held yourself as the sounds of the battle echoed from outside. A pang of guilt went through him, you were only here because of him, because he'd asked you to come, it not feeling right without you by his side, both fighting and otherwise.

As if you knew his thoughts, you looked over and met his gaze, a fire of anger, fear, regret and desire burning within, but Dwalin couldn't hold it long, dropping his head with a sigh and a rub of his neck, not wanting to let you see his gaze match your own.

He hardly registered your footfalls as they echoed across the room, the other dwarves glancing up, but quickly looking away. They knew what this was like. They knew what the two of you were going through.

Dwalin started as your hand wrapped around his firmly, looking up to meet your eye only to find you already pulling him away. He let himself be pulled to his feet and led away from the noise, from the clash of steel and screams of pain, from the heavy weight hanging over all of you, seeming to stagnate the air and make it hard to breath.

You led him to a room just for the two of you, closing the door quietly behind you before your arms wrapped around his neck and you buried against his chest.

Dwalin fought off the wave of emotions going through him and held you tightly to him, resting his head atop yours, memorising the scent and feel of you against him.

Neither of you could admit this out loud, but you needed this, you needed the feel of the other, needed to chase away all other thoughts, at least for the moment.

His hands cupped your cheeks, bringing your gaze to meet his before he pressed his lips to yours. There was no resistance as the two of you let the kiss speak for itself, deepening into something slow and slightly desperate.

Fingers memorised your face more than his gaze ever could, tracing every line, every scar, every curve of softness that left you shivering against him.

Your own hands worked, unclasping the armour that he'd stubbornly kept on himself, letting it fall heavily to the ground, his own hands soon following suit until you were both bare before each other.

You rested into each other's holds, breathing deeply, catching your breathes. You didn't need anything else beyond this, not yet, it just enough to know that the other was there, that they weren't going anywhere, at least for the moment, and that the two of you could survive as long as you were together.

Moving first, your lips began to trail his jaw and neck, a low rumble going through him, his grip tightening for a moment before he followed suit, the hold turning into something needy, something desperate. His hands worked to pull you closer, bodies starting to rock together as need filled you, overwhelming everything else.

The kiss was filled with passion now, breathless moans and gasps filling the small space. Tears were running down both your cheeks, but neither of you cared as grips became bruising and you staggered back against the cold stone wall.

Dwalin lifted you easily into his arms, filling you with a heady groan, both you momentarily tensing, forcing yourselves to stop and relax and breathe.

The kiss was soft again as you stayed like that, breathes mingled as if neither of you seemed sure where to take this next, hands moving slowly, soothing aches and fuelling something deeper.

The decision became made for you, the violent sound of a war horn echoing down the halls, making you finally meet each other's gaze and hold it.

Understanding passed between the two of you, of all the things that had been said in this moment without a word being uttered.

Dwalin sighed and pressed his forehead to yours, not wanting the moment to end, but as your hands gently stroked his cheeks, he knew that it had to, that more time would come later.

He lets you down, the two of you moving quickly to redress before almost running from the room, back towards the sounds of steel on steel and cries of pain, your expressions turning grim.

The others were no better, many of their heads down, hardly acknowledging the two of you as you returned.

Dwalin's grip was tight on your shoulder before he steps forward into the centre of the room, a determined fire in his eyes, the guilt having been washed away as he glances back at you.

"We are the warriors that built this town." His voice rumbled through the hall. "And I'll be damned if we are going to simply sit here, under the orders of our king, and let our people die!"

Everyone stares at him, expressions grim, unsure.

"So I say, king or no king, we go out there and we fight." Dwalin looked at them all, held each of their eyes for a single moment. "If this is to be our end, let it not be hiding behind walls of stone, but with the spilling of blood with our brothers, defending the home that we have worked for and would die for! Who is with me?"

One by one, the dwarves stand and a look of pride comes over Dwalin, which, had the situation been different, would have made you smile.

"I will stand with you."

They all turn, Thorin standing there, a faint smile on his lips as he looks at Dwalin. "It would be wrong of me to not be loyal to my general, when my general is so loyal to me."

Dwalin walks over to Thorin, his expression still grim but you can see the hope now burning in his eyes as they clasp each other's shoulders. "It would be an honour, my King."

As they prepared to charge, Dwalin's gaze found you once again, watched the way you held yourself as you prepared for battle. Pride flooded him knowing that you would be by his side and as you met his gaze, love, hope and resolve burning with in, he knew that only the gods themselves would be able to separate the two of you, no matter what happened, you weren't going anywhere.

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