Kili ~ I Won't Back Down

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There was something unsettling about today, you weren't sure what it was, but something was making your stomach twist, no matter how busy you kept yourself.

Dis kept conversation going between the two of you, as she regularly did, and you were forever grateful that you got along well with her, especially with the way a lot of others suspected the way your relationship was going with Kili.

As the afternoon approaches, she gives you an odd look. "Are you alright Y/N?"

This surprised you, hadn't thinking that she would notice. "Of course, why would I not be?"

"You've seemed troubled all day." Dis gives you a kind smile. "I don't think I've ever seen you so quiet."

You were a little embarrassed, by you tried to shrug it off. "Just a feeling, that's all, nothing serious."

"A feeling?" Dis asked. "What kind of feeling?"

You were hesitant to call it a bad one, everyone was superstitious enough most of the time, but in your moment of silence, it was long enough for Dis to work it out.

She frowns at you. "Y/N? What is it?"

Before you could answer, there were two excited, familiar voices hurrying towards the two of you, making you both smile as Fili and Kili comes charging towards the two of you, their faces full of excitement.

Kili started talking first. "Mother! Y/N! It's finally happened!"

"Uncle's finally announced it!" Fili was more restrained, but clearly no less excited.

"And he said that we are to go with him!" Kili was bouncing on his toes.

Dis knew instantly that this was what you had felt coming, your expression going pale and grim, so she was quick to cover up you reaction with her own. "Well, I would've thought that my own brother would make that announcement to me first, especially in regards to my sons."

Both Fili and Kili's faces fell.

"We've been talking about this for months!" Kili whined a little. "We can finally have the chance to go home!"

"A home you two don't even know." Dis said softly. "And I understand you two wanting to go out adventuring, but you also need to think about what consequences are going to be involved in those actions."

"We can handle ourselves," Fili added. "Uncle and the others have been training us for this."

"Yes, I know." She said. "But I still want you two to be cautious."

Dis glances at you again, sees the tears threatening to overwhelm you and she quickly wraps and arm around you and guides you away from the slightly deflated Fili and Kili. "Go and tell Thorin I wish to see him, and you two had best not start telling everyone that you are going on this before I've had a talk to him!"

Hurried away, you allow yourself to draw in a shaky breath, letting the tears start, even as Dis rubs your shoulders.

"Hush now, you have nothing to fret over."


"I know," Dis said softly. "But right now, even with me talking to Thorin about this, we are going to have to support them. That choice is out of our hands."

"But it's going to go wrong." You sobbed. "I can just feel it."

"And you can't tell them that." Dis said. "They don't need to go out there with that hanging over their heads. Especially Kili."

You shake your head. "Dis, I can't just...just let them go out unprepared."

Dis gives a slightly grim smile. "They will not be, do not think that Thorin that will let any go on this journey unprepared, especially those two nephews of his. He will protect them with his life."

The words didn't eased you, the tears still falling even as Dis continued to comfort you until you settled. Seeing Thorin, Fili and Kili return later left you feeling sick, and you were quick to excuse yourself, taking yourself outside into the fresh air, forcing yourself to just breath.

You wanted to ignore the feeling, you did, but the way your stomach was twisting and turning wasn't making it easy.

A hand rests on your shoulder and you feel yourself tense.

"Y/N?" Kili said softly. "Are you alright?"

You swallowed and nodded, not wanting to face him.

Kili's smile was small as he came around to look at you, his gaze understanding. "You're worried."

You nod again, not trusting your voice.

He gives a small chuckle, shaking his head. "You know me, I'll be alright."

"You can't keep saying that Kili," Your voice broke as you said it. "One day, you won't be."

"Y/N..." Kili seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he shakes his head. "You know me, I always look on the brighter side of things. Fili's got my back out there and we'll be with a whole bunch of others. You have nothing to worry about."

"I have you to worry about." It was out of your mouth before you stop it, but you were so upset that you didn't care. "I don't want to lose you."

Kili cups your cheeks and presses his forehead to yours. "Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around."

You tried not to laugh, even as he wiped tears away. "We are not children anymore Kili."

He smiles. "And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down, gonna stand my ground and I won't back down." He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. "No, we are not children, but that doesn't mean we can't live by that still, playing around or not."

Kili pulls you into a hug as the tears start to flow, his head resting against yours as he rocks you gently, whispering words into your hair.

"I'll be okay. I promise."

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