Thranduil ~ There's nothing to...

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You thought that the night was awfully quiet and as you stirred from sleep and rolled over, you found Thranduil was missing from your bed.

A disquiet took over you and you sat up, reaching through the dark for your gown and wrapping it around yourself before pausing and listening for a moment.

No, it was definitely too quiet.

You move to the door and draw a deep breath before stepping out, the candles still lit settling you a little, but there were no guards patrolling, which wasn't unusual, but didn't completely put you at ease.

You started down the hall, wanting to see your son, wanting to make sure it was all okay and that this worry was for naught.

As you got close, you realised that there was a voice speaking and after a few steps, you realised that it was Thranduil's, tired and worn as it was, it was no less calm and soothing as when he was fully awake.

"Hush little one," He spoke softly as you stood next to the door. "You do not want to wake your Mother, she has been so tirelessly looking after you, we must let her rest."

There is a little whinge from Legolas, but he quietens.

"There's nothing to worry about when you are with me." Thranduil continued. "I promise, I will be here for whatever you need."

You gave a soft smile, leaning against the wall as you continued to listen to Thranduil talk away to little Legolas, who eventually seemed to fall back asleep, Thranduil starting to hum away softly as he puts him down to rest and then carefully walking out the door.

Thranduil starts slightly as he sees you standing there before looking a little sheepish. "How long have you been there love?"

You smile at him. "Long enough."

He licks his lips. "I...I heard him crying and I did not want to disturb you. Obviously I did."

"You did not." You said softly and kissed his cheek. "But I was wondering why it was so quiet and why my bed was empty. I guess I got both questions answered."

Thranduil returns your smile. "Well, I'm glad to help."

Chuckling, you take his hand and began to lead the way back down the hall. "Did Legolas go back down alright?"

"Of course he did, he just needed some attention," Thranduil squeezed your hand. "You did not have to come looking for me."

You shrug. "Of course I did, what kind of wife and mother would I be if I didn't?"

As the two of you entered your room and closed the door, Thranduil pulled you into his arms, nuzzling you a little. "There was nothing you could do that would make me feel any different."

Smiling, you lean against him. "I'm sure I could think of a few things that would say otherwise."

Thranduil chuckles. "But then you wouldn't be you."

"Probably." You yawn, the tiredness hitting you again now safely back with him, his warm surrounding you, making you hum in content as he starts to stroke your hair.

"Come my love," He kisses the top of your head. "Let's return to bed. If Legolas stirs again, I will deal with him."

But you are comfortable now, your arms wrapping tighter as he tries to move you, making him laugh softly before he scoops you up, making you give a squeak.

He gives you a brief kiss. "It feels like some time since I've done this."

You smile. "It has," You yawn again. "But I think tonight is for very different reasons."

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed." Thranduil gets you both settled back on bed and you happily curl up against him, murmuring a little, making him smile at you affectionately. "Get some sleep Y/N. Everything is okay. There's nothing to worry about when you are with me."

Smiling, it doesn't take you long to drift back into sleep, the fear long forgotten, the quiet now allowing for peaceful rest instead of the unsettled feeling that seemed to be almost always there as days went on.

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