Bard ~ Surprise

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You sat at the edge of the river, watching Bard as he practised, a small smile on your lips as he made it look so effortless and easy. You were glad that you could spend days like this with him, far away from the busy lives that you both lead.

You had to make sure it was never dull.

"When was the last time you missed Bard?" You asked lightly.

Bard, halfway through drawing his bow back again, lowers and looks over at you. "Not in a long time."

Your smile widens. "Not enough distractions for you?"

Bard matches your smile. "You realise shooting with distractions is why I bring you here."

Laughing, you shake your head, even as he draws back his bow and fires again. "That's cute, but I'm not even trying."

He smirks. "I'd like to see you try, I'm more than used to any sort of distractions. I've been in battles you know."

"Oh, I know," You stand, heading towards him slowly as he continued to practise. "But it doesn't change the fact that I've never really tried."

Bard watched you out of the corner of his eye as you stepped closer, but it didn't dissuade him from his shooting, still hitting his targets.

A light touch brushed along his back, but he just chuckled lightly, getting off another clean shot. "You are going to have to do better than that."

Unperturbed, you increase the pressure, moving up his back in a slow but steady movement, feeling him move as he drew the bow back again.

"You know a slight shove would solve this."

"That would be cheating."

You chuckle before your hand reaches his neck, brushing under his hair lightly, trailing along his neck.

"You still need to do better love."

You stuck your tongue between your teeth, making a slight noise of annoyance, making him chuckle, which made you pull your hand back.

"Giving up already?"

"Why would I do that?"

There was a light tug on the back of his hair, making him laugh, even as he cast off another shot.

You tapped your chin for a moment, thinking before a mischievous grin crossed you expression.

Bard tensed a little as he felt you step closer behind him, not touching, but definitely close enough that he could feel your breath on the back of his neck.


"Yes dear?"

"What are you doing?"

"Playing along."

Bard frowned, but smirked, drawing his bow back.

Your breath fanned over his ear and Bard swallowed.

"Have I ever told you how much I like watching you shoot?" You asked in a low voice, holding back your smile.

Bard licked his lips. "Well, I had figured considering you always join me."

"Uh huh," You couldn't hold back the smile this time. "I sit there getting all sorts of ideas."

For a moment, Bard's fingers twitched on the string and you almost thought that you had him, except he steadied again, even as he cleared his throat.

"What kind of ideas?"

You chuckled lightly and leaned right up to his ear. "Why don't you put that bow down so you can find out?"

Bard wasn't sure whether it was your words or your breath on his ear that made him do it, but next thing he knew he was throwing the shot to try and save it, the arrow soaring way past its target.

"I guess I missed." Bard said through a steadying breath, looking back at you as you watched him as innocently as possible, although your grin was giving it away. "I guess I wasn't as used to distractions as I thought I was."

You beamed. "You mean my kind of distractions?"

He chuckled. "I'm guessing you still had a few ideas up your sleeve?"

You gave a coy smile, turning away. "I'm full of a lot of ideas Bard, but I guess you missed that too."

"Oh you are going to get it for that one."

You laughed, running as Bard takes off after you, making sure you stayed out of reach for at least a little while.

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