Dwalin ~ Lust

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"Did you want to ask me something?"

Your voice brought Dwalin out of his thoughts and he took a moment to look at you through the cell doors before sighing heavily and looking away again. "It's nothing that we haven't already discussed before."

You give him a sad smile. "Have they given me a date yet?"

Dwalin shakes his head, his heart aching, a part of him still not believing that all of this was happening. "I wish they would. I wish they would make a decision."

Remaining silent, you let your hand slip through the bars, brushing your fingers gently over the back of Dwalin's hand, who entwines your fingers.

"Is there anything I can do?" Dwalin asked quietly. "Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you," You said and then gave his hand a small squeeze, bringing his gaze to yours. "Everything will be okay my love, and if things go for the worst, then please, move on from me. You deserve to be happy."

Dwalin blinked frustrated and grieving tears from his eyes. "I was happy with you."

You give him a smile. "And I with you, but I told you when we first met that I was complicated, that I couldn't tell you who I really was, and you deserve someone that won't lie to you like that."

"You didn't lie," Dwalin kissed the back of your hand. "You wanted to leave your past, your peoples past, behind you, and I could never fault you for that. I-"

He was stopped by a clang down the hall and Balin walking, looking rather grim, towards him, making Dwalin tense and you to sigh softly, pulling your hand away.

It seemed that it was finally time.

The air in the room was palpable as you were brought out, having been much the discussion of Erebor over the last few weeks, and now everyone wanted to know what the decision was. Dwalin had been the loudest voice for your release, that you had corrected what had happened at great personal cost to yourself, but there were many others that thought you should pay the price for the accused, they thought that you should pay the ultimate price for the crimes.

Dwalin was grim and ashened face as he sat still in the courtroom, his body still, hands clenched tightly together in front of him, knuckles white. He refused to meet anyone's eye, especially Thorin, who he'd spent many hours arguing with. Thorin was bound by his duty as king, no matter what his friend thought of the situation, and it was breaking his heart to see Dwalin like this, it was the most distant the two of them had been ever.

Thorin knew, that should this decision turn against you, then he would most likely lose Dwalin as a friend forever, whether it be through your death or your exile, because he had little doubt that Dwalin would follow.

Your head was held high, always held high in the multiple times you'd been brought forward, and Dwalin's heart swelled in admiration. He loved you, more than anything else in the world, and seeing you face the world like this, without so much as a waver in your step, it was one of the bravest thing he'd ever witnessed.

His gaze didn't leave you as the council began and he ignored the fact that this could very well be the last time he ever saw you. He let his mind wander away from the room, let his mind wander to happier things, to times when none of this happened, when you hadn't had to destroy your people, when you hadn't been labelled as a leader of a criminal gang, when it had just been the two of you, living a simple life.

Tears came unwillingly as he thought of the times that you'd made love, when the two of you had lied there for hours and he'd memorised that pattern on your skin, one that he'd been so fascinated by but never knew it's true story, it's true weight on your shoulders. It had all felt so long ago, in a time that both existed but didn't, and Dwalin wanted to go back there, to go back to those moments when it all meant nothing except for the love that you had for each other.

There was a murmur around the courtroom and Dwalin finally looked up and around the room. He could make out the expressions of those disagreeing with the decision, but even more, he could make out the look of relief on your face as the guards undid your bindings.

Dwalin looked over at Thorin, who nods at him, his expression understanding, and before he even knew what was happening, Dwalin was on his feet and running to you, scooping you into his arms and holding you tight, making a silent promise to never let you go.

They couldn't do anything against someone that hadn't done something themselves, who had righted the wrong that was done and returned all the stolen goods. Leader or not, the evidence was clear that you had put that life behind you.

None of the doubts and questions mattered anymore. Dwalin didn't care that people were saying that Thorin only let you off due to Dwalin being his friend, he didn't care that there were distrustful looks being thrown your way as Dwalin pulled you through the halls, he didn't what was to come, what the consequence of your freedom would be.

All that matter right now was you and him.

Dwalin's lips didn't leave yours as you locked yourselves in your room, but it was you that lead him over to the bed, that sat you both down, that kissed away his tears as he held you. Relief and need filled the room quickly, clothes tugged hard and pulled off, scattering to the floor as fingers dug into bare skin.

There were no words needed for this moment, only touch and feeling as the two of you moved together, assuring both of yourselves that everything was okay, that you were both still here, that neither of you were going anywhere.

You were above Dwalin, taking your time, comforting him, knowing how much he needed this, how much he needed to know that you weren't going to go anywhere again, and in doing so, your own tears started, tears of relief that you'd be able to love equally and without measure for the rest of your days together, that there was going to be nothing that would get in the way of that.

Dwalin sat up and held you close as the first sob broke through you, overwhelmed by love for you, by how strong you'd been through all this, and now that you were free, now that you were safely back with him, everything else was coming free, but only for him, you would only ever open yourself up for him.

Need consumed both of you, feeding off your other emotions, and in what felt like too short a time, you were both up into each other under the blankets, soft kisses passing between you as you catch your breaths, holding each other close.

Dwalin's fingers traced over skin, his eyes not leaving you as you met his eyes and smiled, one he returned softly, eyes filled with adoration and love.

"I'll tell you everything," You said softly, fingers brushing over his lips. "If you want me to."

He takes your hand and kisses it gently. "Later, my love, for now, we are not done here."

His kiss takes you a little by surprise, but soon, you were giggling into him as he pulled you impossibly close, a smile on his lips, and right now, that was all that mattered.

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