Balin ~ Hey fuzzball, just keep on...

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Everyone knew that you liked Balin, even Balin himself knew and found it more than amusing. You liked him but you were also incredibly stubborn, meaning that the more people said, the more determined you were not to act on it.

Dwalin would always ask Balin about it, wondering why he never did anything to dissuade it, but Balin would shrug it off, saying he didn't mind, it was causing no harm.

It was as the quest started though, that many thought inviting you had been a mistake.

You were grumpier on the road that you were normally, meaning that from time to time, you snap at someone, usually on an innocent question. When making camp, it wouldn't be unusual for you to storm off and not return until they were drifting into sleep.

No one could get out of you why you were like this either, being met with an even harsher tone than what was deemed necessary.

Finally Thorin had had enough. "Y/N, that is enough, we are going into unknown dangers as it is without you being like all the time. Find a way to vent your anger appropriately or you can make a journey home yourself."

You pursed your lips, everyone looking between the two of you as your face went slowly red. They thought that you were going to argue, to fight, to have some sort of go at Thorin, but you didn't.

Breaking away from his gaze, you stared at your shoes, mumbled something that sounded like an apology before storming off.

Thorin sighed, shooting a glare at everyone, before following.

"Y/N, what is going on?" He asked, catching up to you.

"I don't want to talk about it Thorin." You growled, still walking. "I'm better off on my own."

Thorin caught your arm. "I am your friend Y/N, and I am asking as your friend, what is wrong? I have never seen you like this."

You sighed heavily, sinking down to the ground. "I am tired Thorin. I want this-this nonsense to be over."

Thorin carefully sits next to you and doesn't interrupt as you continue.

"Everyone is so insistent on it," You grumbled, picking at the grass. "And I don't want them to be. It puts expectations there that shouldn't be and I hate it." You then meet his eye. "Your nephews are currently making it worse too, with teasing and taunting and-"

"They are?" Thorin asked. "I specifically told them not too, I told all of them that this had gone too far. I will have a word to then Y/N, I promise."

You sigh. "I don't want a big deal made out of it Thorin, I haven't wanted that ever, especially since everyone found out. Bloody Dwalin..."

"You never were careful enough when he was drinking." Thorin sighed. "I know you have heard this a lot, but have you ever just thought of talking to Balin?"

You blanched. "I'm not an idiot Thorin, of course I have, but I've just never...never known how to put's complicated, more than what I want it to be. I know he's had someone before and that-that-"

"That makes you nervous," Thorin finished for you. "You understand that if you never talk to him, you are never going to get an answer about it?"

For a moment, by the way you grit your teeth, Thorin thought he said the wrong thing.

"It's not like he doesn't already know," You grumbled. "He could just come to me and tell me."

"Since when does Balin ever work like that?" He pats your arm gently. "I'll handle my nephews, you talk to Balin. His answer might surprise you."

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