Dwalin ~ Hurts So Good

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It was often a wonder how you and Dwalin were a couple, most of what everyone saw was the two of you at each other's throats, neither of you quiet, voices heard by all around.

And yet you loved each other, dearly, and could switch over so suddenly and so quickly, others wondered whether it was healthy.

Thorin had actually been a little nervous about approaching Dwalin about the quest, knowing that he wouldn't go anywhere without you or you without him. He was a little agitated at how you'd respond when the situation seemed to dire.

As it turned out, there was no doubt between either of you. You were both proud to join in the quest.

Although, you were more reluctant to Thorin's favour.

No fighting.

You and Dwalin both did your best, the Company actually surprised that quiet between the two of you had lasted so long, but it was clear from looks between Thorin and Balin that they were wondering what was going to set one of you off.

Then, Dwalin decided to just watch you for a little too long one day.

It was ridiculous, everyone knew it, but there was no coming between the two of you, most of the dwarves just looking the other way, Gandalf pretending that nothing was happening at all and Bilbo watching with widening eyes as weapons were drawn.

Thorin stepped in the middle, looking between the two of you seriously. "If it is going to come to this, I suggest the two of you leave camp."

Neither of you argued, storming off one behind the other and it wasn't long before the clash of steel was heard.

Balin chuckled at Bilbo's pale expression. "It's alright laddie, they do this quiet regularly."

Bilbo frowns at this. "But they love each other, don't they?"

"Aye," Balin nods. "But sometimes it's necessary for a little steam to be let out. They are both natural fighters and independent and stubborn as they come, so a clash of wills is expected."

Fili snorts. "I think it's more than that Balin."

Balin gives a small chuckle and nod. "Yes, but let's spare the details, that's between the two of them."

Kili barely contains a laugh. "You mean them and whoever happens to be around at the time?"

Fili does laughs. "I think it may be better to give a warning, we've all seen and heard enough to know when to avoid it all. We wouldn't want to traumatise poor Bilbo."

There was a round of laughter, Gandalf shaking his head and Bilbo looking very confused.

"I don't understand," Bilbo said, ignoring that this caused more laughter. "They are just fighting, aren't they?"

"They'll fight for a while," Balin said, a little sheepishly. "But eventually the weapons will be cast aside and they'll move onto...other activities."


"They enjoy rough sex, Master Baggins," Thorin grumbles, amid snickers from the company. "They enjoy riling each other up fighting first."

Bilbo's face went red, all the way to the tips of his ears. "Oh."

Fili and Kili were laughing. "So, don't go wondering until they come back."

"But," Bilbo was clearly uncomfortable, but curiosity was clearly getting the better of him. "We're in the middle of nowhere?"

There is more laughter at this, some of the dwarves shaking their heads, making quiet comments to their neighbour, which only seemed to cause more laughter.

"Trust me Bilbo, that means little." Balin chuckles, then, there was an awkward pause as all the dwarves suddenly wanted to ask the hobbit more, but were unsure exactly how appropriate that would've been.

None of them even realised, as the subject was quickly changed, that the sound of steel on steel had stopped.

It was few hours later that you and Dwalin wondered back to camp, laughing away together quietly as a comment one of you had made, only Thorin awake on watch, puffing away, looking a little amused at the two of you.

"I thought we had a deal?" He asked quietly.

You grinned at him. "We did, I thought that was quite reasonable considering."

Thorin snorts. "You two are terrible."

The two of you settle down as quietly as you can, Dwalin sitting by Thorin next to the fire as you laid out your bedroll at the edge of the camp, glancing back at the two of them.

With a snort, you came over and stretched out next to Dwalin before curling up into his lap, a smile on your lips as he rests a gentle hand on your head with a snort. "You're meant to be going to sleep."

"I'm more comfortable here." You said, snuggling in and closing your eyes. "And besides, I know you prefer me here too."

Dwalin chuckles softly, his fingers playing in your hair, and for a long moment, the three of you sat in silence until your soft snores joined in the rest of the company, Dwalin smiling down at you.

Thorin puts out his pipe, not bothering to hide the smile at his friend. "You two are unbelievable."

"You're just jealous." Dwalin grumbles quietly, although, there's no missing the pink tinge to his ears in the firelight.

"Maybe a little," Thorin chuckles. "But I am happy for you mostly. You two have fought hard for this, despite everything."

Dwalin nods. "Aye, and thank you Thorin, for understanding, even though I'm sure we're pain in the arses to deal with at times, especially when we fight."

Thorin chuckles. "You have chosen wisely. Someone that can put up with you is rare and hard to find." He laughs harder at Dwalin's look. "Trust me Dwalin, if it was an issue, I wouldn't have asked the two of you to come along, no matter the arguments."

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