Fili ~ Anticipation

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You sat at your dresser, humming to yourself while you brush your hair, enjoying the peace, having just forced everyone else out of the room, the dress on you elegant and ready for the event ahead.

There was a soft knock on your door.

"Come in." You knew who it was be.

Fili peered in cautiously before he seemed to sigh and step inside, closing the door after him. "Y/N, what are you doing?"

"Brushing my hair," You said lightly and casting him a smile, looking him over in the mirror as he approached. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing what is wrong." Fili said gently. "Mother was near distraught when she heard that you had told them all to leave the room."

You hum a little, focusing on a knot. "I thought she'd more concerned about breaking tradition with you in here."

"She doesn't know I'm here," He smiles softly. "You look stunning Y/N."

Beaming, you giggle a little. "Thank you. But I do kind of wish you waited."

Fili nods but frowns a little in concern. "Are you alright amrâlimê?"

You put down your brush and turn to face him, smiling. "Of course, I just got tired of everyone being so picky about everything."

He raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

You nod. "You would not believe how long it's taken to get this far, it took well over an hour simply to decide on the correct ribbon," You shake your head. "I understand wanting this to be perfect, but I think that should be our decision, not theirs."

Fili looks at you before he chuckles softly and kisses the top of your head. "Oh Y/N, here I was worried that you were fearing this."

You blink at him before frowning. "Really Fili?"

He chuckles a little more. "The way that they were all reacting, it was as if something drastic had happened, which is why I had to come see you, talk you back into it."

"You worry too much, I would've thought you'd know that I wasn't going anywhere, after all we've been through to get here." You take his hands. "Fili, I love you, you don't ever have to worry about that."

Fili sighs, his smile widening. "I'm know, I'm sorry my love, I guess I am more nervous than I thought."

"Nerves? Get to my warrior prince? I'd never hear of it."

This made Fili laugh and pull you to your feet and into his arms, kissing you gently. "Well, we can't have that now can we? Hardly looks good if a dwarves future wife is braver than he is."

You laugh and rest against him. "I don't know, I'd be pretty happy to just stay here and not worry about the ceremony."

"Me too, however the wrath of my mother and yours is certainly not something I wish to face." Fili's hands run through your hair. "I think they've been looking forward to this more than us." He pauses and you look back up at him. "This is what you want right?"

You smile. "I'm right where I want to be."

Fili fully relaxes. "Oh good. So we just have to get through today then."

You giggle against him. "Well, it is kind of a big deal."

"No, what is a big deal is you two seeing each other." You both jump and look guiltily at Dis standing in the doorway. "Now, come along, you both need to finish getting ready, we are delayed enough already!"

Fili chuckles and kisses you again, ducking his mother's hand as she went to swat him and he winks back at you. "I'll see you in a few hours when they've stopped arguing about your hair."

You laugh, even as Dis tells him off, something he quickly dashes away from, your mother coming in as well, frowning after him.

"What? He couldn't wait a little longer?"

"His father did the same thing on our wedding day." Dis grumbled and you giggled, making them both smile before their attention became focused on your hair, much to your disgruntlement again.

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