Thorin ~ Blackmail? Do you...

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Thorin was furious, the set in his shoulders clear as he walked through the village, everyone knowing to avoid him when he was like this. They could never be sure what set him off, as he generally kept things like this private, but they knew that any small inconvenience that could occur on his war path, would ensure that they would receive the brunt end of it first.

Today, he went straight back home.

The slam of the door made you jump and hurry from the kitchen to work out what was going on.

Thorin's dark expression was enough to make you freeze.

"Thorin..." You said it quietly, knowing that it normally helped to calm him.

But as his eyes flash as he starts to stalk forward, it quickly became clear that his anger was directed at you.

You swallowed, but held yourself tall, not to be easily intimidated. "I don't know what you think I've done Thorin, but I would that you would be able to speak to me about this calmly."

"I am calm." He said, continuing forward, his voice low. "I don't know what would make you think otherwise."

He reached you, but didn't enter your space and you held his gaze. "A storm is brewing behind your eyes Thorin, I know you better than that."

"Really?" He asked, his tone unchanged. "Well, clearly I do not know you as well as I thought."

The remark hurt, but you didn't let it show. "Thorin, please, can you tell me what I've done? I would hate to think that I've done something to make you upset. Let me help fix this."

His eyes flash and breathing deepens, but he doesn't move. "You have been talking to Dwalin."

You raised an eyebrow. "Is that a crime now? Is he not a good friend of yours and mine?"

Thorin's teeth bare for a single moment and you understood just how furious he was. "No, but I'm considering making it so when you discuss certain matters with him that should not have gone past me."


"Don't." For a single moment his voice rose and he entered into your space, making you swallow now. "Stop saying that because you know it helps. Of all the things Y/N, why would you go behind your back on me with this?"

Keeping your composure, you refused to back away or break away from his gaze. "I thought it only fair that I gain a second opinion, it was not to go behind your back, simply to gain another's view."

His eyes flick quickly between yours. "Blackmail?" You stared at him as his voice dropped into something that was almost a whisper. "Do you really intend to play mind games against ME?"

"There are no mind games Thorin, let alone black-"

"Enough!" His voice boomed, actually making you take a step back. "I will not hear it! I will not be privy to such talk! You know what you've done!"

Your voice came out smaller than you would have liked. "I know that I sought council in a friend because my significant other refused to have a conversation about it, except to deny me the right of making my own choice in the matter. I had to do so to quiet my own discomfort on the matter because I would like to think that I care enough to find out what you and the others are heading into, not to mention whether or not it is beyond my capabilities to help."

Thorin stared at you, breathing hard, and when he remained silent, you continued.

"Dwalin was stunned that you would not allow me along Thorin, although he was sure he could understand why." There was slight crack in your voice, making you shake your head. "But he thought, given my experience, that it would be something that you could look past, just for this, and take me with you. There was no blackmail intended, Dwalin simply gave his opinion, so whatever has been said to you was of his own doing, not mine. I simply wanted to quiet my mind."

When you fell quiet again, Thorin still did not react at first, and you wanted to sigh and pull away before his hand carefully reached out and touched your arm. You flinched at first, thinking that, in his anger, he may be a little too rough, but instead his touch was gentle, hesitant, and when you do not resist, he pulls you to him and holds you close, resting his head atop yours.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles softly into your hair. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I jumped to a conclusion instead of talking to you, now I have got you upset and afraid of me."

The tension between the two of you broke and you held him just as tightly, fighting down the wave of emotion that threatened to burst free.

"You are right, I should've spoken to you about this." He continued. "It was unfair for me to make the decision for you. I just wanted you to be safe my love, and nothing about this journey will be safe, we will be going into dangers unknown with possibly no hope of victory, and I didn't want to risk you on that. I couldn't bear the thought of possibly losing you."

"Do you think I could of you?" You asked quietly. "Do you think something like this would be any easier on me knowing you go into the unknown alone? That you walking away could be the last memory I have of you?" Your voice cracked again but this time you didn't fight it. "I love you Thorin and knowing that I can help, I want to come with you."

Thorin moves and cups your cheeks so that he could hold your gaze, his eyes shining, even as his thumb brushes a tear away from your cheek. "Y/N...I have always been of the belief that you were too good for me, that I did not deserve, and time and time again, you prove me right. I could not ask you to do this for me."

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you I want to." You said.

A tear rolls down his cheek, but you don't get a chance to brush it away as his lips press to yours firmly, the kiss passionate and loving, one you don't resist.

He pulls away enough to meet your eyes. "Let me make this up to you first, once we have both calmed, then we will talk."

You brushes his cheeks, making him lean into your hands a little. "Do you promise?"

"Of course my love, anything for you."

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