Dwalin ~ Pessimism

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It was rare for you to get angry, after all, you were considered the tame one in the relationship, the one that kept Dwalin calm and reasonable, except today was different.

Today you were furious.

Dwalin stood looking a little guilty, staring at his foot as he tapped it on the ground, constantly glancing at you as you stormed from one thing to another, everything louder than what it should have been and it was making Dwalin flinch.

It was rare for you to get angry, but Dwalin knew you always had a good reason to be when you were.

"Are you going to stand there or are you going to help?" You ask flatly, not looking at him.

Dwalin winces and steps closer. "What do you need me-"

"Dwalin," Your tone was harsh and he swallowed. "You've gotten me into this, so now you are going to help get me out of this."

"I am-"

"Then don't you dare ask me what to do." You glare at him. "Use your head and find something to do."

Dwalin nods, moving off to start working his way through the long list of chores that had to be done, all while carefully avoiding you, although at times it was unavoidable, in which you were near silent.

Finally, after many hours, Dwalin found you cooking, your body tense and he sighs.

"Y/N...I'm sorry." He mumbled, making you tense. "I thought I'd brought it up, I never expected it to be so sudden."

"Well, it is, and now here we are."

Dwalin watched you and moved to you as you went to wash your hands, grabbing you so that you would face him. "Love please, talk to me."

Your gaze was hard. "If you talked to me, none of this would've happened."

He sighs. "I know, but there's only so many times I can say I'm sorry. We knew that there was a chance that this would happen, even now. It's part of the reason I said the meeting was to be here tonight, so that I could include you in what is going on."


He cradles your cheeks. "I know and I'm scared too."

You blinked away the shining in your eyes, the anger still simmering away. "How am I supposed to do this without you here Dwalin? How am I supposed to not fret everyday while you are gone?"

"You are stronger than you give yourself credit for," Dwalin caresses your cheeks. "And while I'm not here, you won't be on your own, you know that." He kisses you lightly. "As for worrying, don't you think I'll be doing that to."

"Then stay."

"I would if I could, but I am sworn to Thorin's side, you know that."

"You are sworn to my side too Dwalin!" You try and pull away but Dwalin holds you to him. "And you are sworn to our unborn child!"

Dwalin pulls you in tight to him as you begin to weep, your body shaking and he rests is head a top yours. "I always will be Y/N, but when my King calls, I must answer."

You trembled, unable to say anymore, and Dwalin just held you, gently rocking you and trying what words he could to try and comfort you, even as some of the food started to burn.

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