Dwalin ~ Do you always wear...

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You had always had a fascination with the forges, ever since you were young, and no one could tell you otherwise that it wasn't for you, you were determined to learn and determined to be the best that you could.

Whenever anyone asked what your fascination was, you could spend ages talking about the heat, the stifling warmth that surrounds you as you work, the satisfaction of having sweat drip down your forehead, your nose, as you worked hard for perfection, the constant bang, bang, bang, as hammer hits steel, like music in a constant rhythm, the hours you could spend trying to clean the dirt and grim off of your hands, only to smile and know that you were truly meant for your work.

Only other blacksmiths seemed to understand when you talked like this, not that they really showed it, but you couldn't miss the spark and fire in their eyes.

It didn't take you long to pick up the skills needed to become successful and it didn't take long for word to spread that you were gifted, if a little eccentric, in your tasks. You didn't really care, determined to continue to do what you loved and not be worried about other's opinions.

Well, it wasn't entirely true. There was one opinion you cared about.


He was the most stubborn, obstinate, gruff and grim dwarf that you had met, and yet, you couldn't help but have this soft spot for him that made you continually try and get through to him.

You enjoyed watching him work in the forges, clearly knowing the craft well, and more that once you'd caught yourself day dreaming as you watched, usually broken by Dwalin himself. This naturally led to conversation about the forges and the craft, not just to try and save yourself the embarrassment, but to also learn more about him.

Dwalin, much to your disappointment, was not much of a talker, but it never stopped you trying, or from talking about yourself and what you were doing. You knew you probably shouldn't, but honestly, at times, it was nice to just be able to talk, whether he was listening or not, and get things off your chest, especially when things seemed a little overwhelming.

You'd been professionally working for a while now and you still loved your craft, but all the doubt was starting to wear heavily on you. You were starting to get more than what you used to, a lot of the senior blacksmiths turning on you, angry that you were better at than them, and the fire that you once saw in their eyes as you talked, had turned to resentment.

It quickly wore thin.

You went a little quieter than what you normally were, but no one seemed to notice, taking it as being focused on your work.

Eventually, it got to the point that you started doing a bit of your work at night, which worked fine for you at the moment, as it was the middle of winter, making nights hard to sleep due to the cold, and you always welcomed the heat of the forges.

One night, you walked in to find someone already working.

The familiar noise, bang, bang, bang, echoed from the forges as you approached, making you tilt your head a little in curiosity, wondering who was working at this time.

As you entered, your gaze quickly took in the tall form of Dwalin, sweat already dripping from his bare chest. Unfortunately for you, you couldn't see if he had anything on from the waist down, making your mind instantly wonder and a grin to cross your features as you leaned against the doorway to watch.

"Do you always wear your birthday suit when you work in the forges?"

Dwalin jumped at your voice before he grunted, frowning. "What?"

Your smile widened. "Never took you as the type to get off working naked in forges, certainly makes you a bit more exposed in a few sensitive areas."

He raised an eyebrow, stepping out from where he was, revealing that he was wearing pants. "Do you want to try that again?"

You felt your face heat up but you still kept the smile. "Well, I can dream can't I? It's not every night that I come here and find some worthwhile company."

Dwalin stared at you a little longer before the hint of a smile tugged at his lips, but he shook his head. "You really are something else Y/N."

"I try," You said with a shrug. "Certainly makes things more interesting."

"You're not wrong," He said, dropping what he was working on in the large tub of water, the steam quickly filling the room momentarily. "Although, I find it a bit strange that you are down here at this time. I can't say I've seen anyone else work this late."

You shrug, entering properly and picking up the task that you'd left earlier in the day. "I had some extra things to do and it was cold."

Dwalin looked at you for a long moment. "Well, I guess that's a good a reason as any. Do this often?"

"Winter more so," You said, starting your work. "It's too hard to sleep when it's cold, especially in weather like this."

Dwalin leans back and takes a drink of water as he watches you. "So that was you here a few days ago? During the blizzard?"

You shrug. "Little blizzard never stopped me." You then glance at him. "You know, I think this is the most conversation that we've ever had Dwalin."

This time, he does smile. "You mean besides when you talk my ear off?"

"Well, you can hardly blame me right?" You asked, although you quickly broke away from his gaze. "You were the only one that would put up with it constantly."

He chuckles. "Well, I will admit that it annoyed me for a while, but I came to enjoy it."

"I'll take that as a good thing?" You asked with a raised eyebrow, making him laugh again.

"It was meant as such," He pulls out what he'd been working from the water. "Do you mind if I keep working?"

"Of course not," You said quickly. "It's always nice to have some company."

"Friendly company you mean?" He said, making you pause a little. "Don't think I don't notice Y/N, would happy to knock them down a peg or two for you if you want."

You swallow. "I don't want to make it worse Dwalin. It's fine, it'll pass. Thank you though."

Dwalin watches as you hurriedly focus on your work, the sweat on your brow growing quickly, just one thing that he'd come to admire about you. "Well, how about a drink after work tomorrow, eh?"

You paused, looking at him. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am, I never joke about drinking." He said seriously, although you didn't miss the amusement in his eyes.

"And here I thought your weakness was food." You said.

His expression cracks, smiling and something more mischievous crosses his expression too. "Well, I never said it wasn't, just as I never said that I've never worked in my birthday suit before, which you seemed so keenly interested in before too."

You actually dropped your hammer, making Dwalin instantly laugh and you to clear your throat as you picked it back up.

"I'm never going to live that one down, am I?" You asked.

"Not a chance," He continued to laugh. "And trust me Y/N, I'm good at making sure it's when you least expect it."

You take a moment before joining in his laughter. "Well Dwalin, with a promise like that, who am I to turn you down?"

The two of you continue to laugh, working together comfortably for the rest of the night, and it wasn't until morning that Dwalin became quiet again, passing you a wink to make you know that it was them, not you, and you couldn't help but look forward to the drinks that he'd promised you.

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