Fili ~ Diligence

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Your feet were hurting, your body exhausted and tired, barely having rested since fleeing from Erebor. A part of you knew it was foolish, that there were still enemies being tracked down, but you maintained that, no matter what, you weren't going to be subjected to that life again.

No matter how much each step broke your heart.

You were through the Woodland Realm now, out into the flat plains of Beorn's land and you briefly wondered whether the skin changer would let you stay with him for a while.

You were so tired.

Stumbling a little, it almost broke you, almost pulled the barely contained sobs and tears from your throat. A voice kept niggling at the back of your mind, one that told you that Fili had been sick, that he hadn't been aware of what he was doing, but then another part of you then shrank back at the anger you'd seen in his eyes and you had to try and shake the memory free.

You wanted to tell him you loved him, just as he had told you, but the feeling of terror that filled you when you thought of it had held you back. Now, it was never going to happen.

The sob broke free now and you collapsed, unable to walk any further, unable to bear the weight on your shoulders, unable to shake off the exhaustion any longer, the emotional and physical exhaustion.

You curled up in the grass and wept.

By the time you felt enough to move again, night had well and truly fallen, causing you to shiver and suddenly feel very alert.

The danger was always greater at night.

You felt foolish, felt like you should have just forced yourself to keep going on to Beorn's, there, you would have at least been somewhat safe, you would've been able to rest easily, if he allowed of course, but you would've at least been away from the risks of the night.

It was hard to feel safe in the open plains, at least before you'd had trees and woods and uneven paths. Now, there was only openness.

There were noises reaching you now, noises that sent ice through your veins and you started moving, started going anywhere expect where those noises were. Those noises meant danger and you had to be safe, you had to get anywhere else to be safe.

The tears started again and you did your best to control it, to keep moving and not let everything swallow you up again, a hand resting on the blade at your belt.

The screech cut through the air loudly and you started to run.

It was foolish, you felt so foolish, having let yourself get into this situation, hearing the pursuers get closer and closer, no matter how fast you seemed to run. It was only a matter of time and you knew you were going to have to stand and fight.

There was a brief whistle through the air before a startled scream left your lips, staggering and falling at the arrow now piercing your leg, snapping off as you collapsed to the ground.

You had barely enough time to pull out your blade to defend yourself from the incoming blow, barely enough time to think through the pain as you fought against the orc that had managed to catch up to you, others quickly approaching.

Your blade sank deeply into its chest and you managed to struggle back to your feet, struggle to hold your blade up in front of you, on guard.

With a sinking feeling in your stomach as you eyed the five orcs quickly approaching, you realised that this would likely be your end today.

Your mind wondered back to Fili.

A shuddering breath left you and you fought, fought with everything you had left, every muscle burning, the wound throbbing angrily in your leg, and with each blow, you knew it was only a matter of time.

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