Fili ~ It hurts...

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The sound of laughter spilled down the hall, making Fili sigh, continuing to scratch away at letter that he was being forced to write. The laughter was soon followed by the sound of his mother scalding the two voices to keep it down, which only brought on another fit of giggles.

Fili's frustration grew the longer this went on, as the two of you laughed, his mother telling you off, and him still trying to get this letter done.

Eventually he found himself storming into the kitchen. "Would you two be quiet?"

You and Kili looked at him innocently from where you were seated, both a little flushed from laughing so much.

Kili grins. "Sorry Fili, but we are just waiting for you to finish up so we can."

Dis looks at Fili. "Are you finished dear?"

"No," He huffs. "Because these two are so distracting!"

Dis nods and then glares at you and Kili, who quickly rid yourselves of your smiles. "Right you two, outside. Fili will join you when he is done."

Fili grumbles and stomps back to his room while you and Kili hurry outside, not wanting to face the wrath of him or his mother any more.

It was quiet now, but all this did was make Fili's mind tick over and over of things and how they should be, instead he was stuck here writing a letter that really had so little importance to things, that he really wished he could argue with his mother till he was blue in the face about why he didn't want to do it, and she'd still make him do it.

Something hot landed on his hand and Fili furiously wiped his cheeks and eyes, not having time for this as he started to scribble down a few more lines, these a little more messy than the previous as he suddenly didn't care about the quality of work he was doing anymore.

"Fili..." Dis's voice was soft but it was enough still to make him jump and look around at her, her watching over his shoulder.

"What?" He asked a little angrily, turning back to the letter to continue writing.

Dis gives a small smile and reaches forward, gently resting her hand on his to make him stop, before taking the quill and putting it on the side. "Go outside Fili, this can be finished later."


"I'm not about to have you give up time with a friend to get frustrated with this." Dis kisses the top of his head. "And considering it's only making you upset, it won't be in the tone that is needed anyway, so go on."

He stares at her for a moment, before hugging her briefly and hurrying outside after you and Kili.

It wasn't hard to find the two of you, the laughter loud and clear and Fili grinned, breaking into a run to go and find the two of you.

Only to be stopped short when he saw you in Kili's arms.

Something curled in Fili's stomach, something that he didn't want to admit was there whenever he saw you and his brother together. He knew that the two of you were very close friends, that you had always been closer to Kili than Fili growing up, but this was different.

You smiled when you saw Fili, straightening. "Hey Fi! Finally broke free I see!"

Fili stared at you as Kili laughed and you hit him in the arm, the feeling curling away tighter in his stomach, and before he had to the face the two of you with it, Fili found himself turning and storming back off.

"Fili, where are you going?" You called after him, but Fili was determined not to stop, not to look back.

Kili caught up to him and caught his arm. "Fili-"

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