Thranduil ~ Awe

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Thranduil's fingers drummed on the arm of his throne, his head resting on his other hand. Anyone who knew him, knew that look.

He was bored.

It wasn't unusual, but today it looked like it was frustrating him.

You ducked into throne room, seeing his expression, smiling, and ducking back out.

Moments later, Thranduil was startled as you threw his sword up at him and he caught it, holding your own.

"Are you going to join me or just sit there staring?" You asked, turning from him and looking back.

"It would be inappropriate." He said.

"And you are bored. Take your pick." You left, knowing he would follow.

Thranduil followed you out into a small clearing and he paused, looking around.

"Is my King stunned to silence?" You asked, smiling.

"I know every corner of my kingdom," He said quietly. "And yet I have never seen this before."

"Then you clearly don't know every corner." You said. "This is my little retreat, so feel honoured."

Thranduil looked at you. "How have you been keeping this secret?"

"I'm talented."


"Thranduil, I got you out here so you didn't look so miserable on that throne. So for old times sake," You draw your sword. "Shall we?"

He tilts his head. "You wish to game? Here?"

You smirked. "This isn't a game. At least not one I intend to lose."

Thranduil took a moment before a slow smile crossed his lips and he drew his sword. "Really? You do seem to be more intent on talking than actually fighting."

With a quickness that you were both used to, blades clashed quickly. You were used to this dance, even after all these years, and you fell into an easy step, steel against steel.

You both took a moment.

"Slowing down?"

"Never on your life."

The fight got faster, but still blades never came anywhere near skin, both your forms impeccable, never letting up.

Then both of you tried to get the upper hand at the same time and ended up in a heap on the ground.

It took a moment before laughter erupted from the both of you as you tried to get free of each other.

Thranduil looked at you with a spark in his eye. "Good to see you haven't stopped learning."

You smiled, leaning on your knees to get your breath back. "Good to see you haven't forgotten everything I taught you."

He grinned and chuckled a little. "You always were a good teacher."

A comfortable silence fell, the two of you just enjoying the clearing, enjoying the peace and enjoying the company of each other.

"It has been a while since we have done this." He said quietly.

"It has." You agreed. "Feels like a lifetime."

Thranduil sighs and lies back. "Thank you for this Y/N."

You joined him, resting close to stare at the canopy of leaves above. "It is never a problem. You know that."

When he doesn't respond, you glance at him, and he was looking pensively at you, breaking away after a moment.

You smile and look back at the trees above. "We have all the time in the world Thranduil. Just sit here and relax and breathe."

"And wonder how I have someone like you." He said quietly.

"Maybe that too."

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