Kili ~ Kiss the Girl

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The dwarves first impression of you was finding you sitting atop a pile of orc and warg bodies, taking a long drink from water skin and smiling at them in greeting. "Ho there friends! Glad to see I'm not the only one out enjoying the day!"

They had all stared at you, wondering what to think.

Laughing, you jumped down and approached lightly, reaching for the heavy axe that you'd left imbedded in the ground. "I hope you weren't hunting this particular quarry, they were being rather a nuisance to me."

Gandalf was the one who moved first, his brow creasing in a frown. "It is...Y/N?"

You nod. "That is my name sir, meaning you must be a wizard, few know me and my kin after all."

Nodding, the worry doesn't leave Gandalf's expression. "What are you doing all the way out here?"

Shrugging, you heft the axe up and let it rest on your shoulder. "Exploring, seeing what there is to see, enjoying life on the road. May I ask where your own path leads."

"None of your business." Dwalin growled, causing you to raise an eyebrow and shrug.

"That is fair enough, although I'm sure you'd be interested to see this." You pulled a note from your pocket and tossed it to Gandalf, who caught it and read it, his worry increasing as he looked back at you.

"You can read this?"

"Barely, at least enough to make sense of what it says." You look over the company before you, noting the dwarves, Gandalf and a hobbit. "Seems an odd coincidence that we should meet so soon after."

"Coincidence indeed." Gandalf said, still eyeing you with some suspicion. "Were you waiting for us?

You shake your head. "No, simply resting, one can hardly blame me after such a fight." You gesture back to the pile of bodies, in which several the dwarves were now quietly discussing. "Had I met anyone on the path that matched what I read, I would've done the same."

Your head tilts a little then, as if listening, and they all watched your expression darken. "Tell me friends, would there be a reason why more orcs would be coming along the roads? It seems to me like your path is a little more wild than most."

"How many are there?" Gandalf asked quickly, stepping closer.

"Too many," You look around at them and make a quick decision. "Come, let's get you away from this."

The dwarves would've argued but Gandalf was already following you, Bilbo close behind and they quickly realised as howls filled the air that they were going to have little choice.

Along the path you came across Radaghast, who was quick to talk to both you and Gandalf, but it was all too short, ending up running, ending up in Rivendell.

At Rivendell, you offered your services to their quest. It was met with some distrust, as expected, but it was ultimately clear that your knowledge and skills could be useful.

It was also in Rivendell that you took notice that one particular dwarf seemed to be watching you more closely than the others.

Kili thought that he'd been careful about it, but after you caught him and raised an eyebrow, he knew that he'd been foolish to think that.

"Do you have a problem with me?" You asked him.

His face flushed slightly. "Not at all, simply trying to learn more about you."

You smiled a little at his innocence. "Then you could just ask me master dwarf, I don't shy away from such things."

This moment struck up a strange friendship between the two of you and there were a few comments made on the quiet about just what that meant.

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