Thorin ~ Broken Crown

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If there was one moment that you truly regretted coming on the journey, this was it. You would never admit out loud, tensions high as they were, but the cracks were starting to show on how much you were struggling.

No one would blame you for it, Thorin was, after all, your one.

Seeing like this was breaking your heart and you really wished now that you had listened to him when he'd asked for you not to come along. You wouldn't have anything of it, you were trained just as much as any of the others, and even though Thorin had made that request, he also respected your desire to come along.

Watching him become consumed by gold though, that had not been part of your plan.

"Thorin..." Your voice had broken as you stared at him, his eyes glazed over as if he hardly recognised you. "Please..."

He'd turned away from the pain in your voice, the first time that he had ever done such a thing, and there was no fighting the tears that came then, feeling as if someone had stabbed you deep in the heart and twisted it.

The other dwarves were furious enough as it was, but this had almost been the final straw for some of them, that he would dare harm his one in anyway, but the fear of the encroaching battle stopped them, as well as your pleading, knowing that they would need Thorin before the end.

You kept away from the others as battle approached, unable to stomach the consequences with what you were dealing with.

In your sorrow, you dozed, even though the bed you'd found was old and musty, so any footsteps approaching, did not disturb you.

A warm hand rested on your cheek, making your eyes slide open and you give a sleepy smile to Thorin, who was watching you, warmth in his gaze.

Your smile fades a little as it caught up to on what was happening.

"My love..." Thorin's voice was quiet, broken. "How could I put you through this?"

While you realised this still wasn't quite your Thorin, it was more of him than you had seen in the last couple of days.

You held onto that.

Sitting up, you move so that the two of you are closer, meeting his gaze as you cup his cheeks. "Amrâlimê do nothing. I know that you are not well."

For a moment, darkness passed across his vision, but Thorin shakes it away, looking at you, a deep longing in his eyes as he fights back tears. "I walked away from you. I should not have."

Your thumb brushes his cheeks as you dare let a small smile return. "You are here now though, that's what matters. You came back to me."

Thorin's eyes flutter closed, his hands resting over yours, even as he leans into one. He draws in several deep breathes and you watch as his internal battle continues to take place.

His lips on yours almost take you by surprise, but the longing, the passion and the desire quickly drew you in, speaking more that what words could currently say and reminding you of the man that he was.

You allowed the two of you to fall back onto the bed, allowed yourself to forget what was happening and what you were both going through.

Thorin allowed you to have the control and you guided him, hoping that you could be some sort of light to bringing him truly home to you.

Both drained and exhausted, mentally and physically, you fell asleep in each others arms, something that felt like a lifetime ago.

The cold disturbed you from sleep, bundling the blankets closer around you. In doing so, you realised that the space next you was empty.

Slowly, you opened your eyes, blinking, seeing Thorin before you.

Thorin sat on the edge of the bed, his breathing hard, fighting back a shake in his shoulders that made you sit up, becoming more alert. "Thorin?"

"The pull on my flesh was just too strong." His voice trembled as he spoke. "Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs."

You rested a careful hand on him, the words sounding strange, but he stands, stepping away, his voice breaking. "Better not to breath than to breathe a lie, cause when I open my body, I breath a lie."

"Thorin..." Your voice was quiet, not sure what he was trying to say.

He steps further away and you catch a glance of his pained expression. "I need to go." He starts gathering his clothes. "I...I have lingered too long. There is a battle to prepare for."

Watching with an aching heart, you hold the blankets close as Thorin dresses, unsure of what to do.

Thorin pauses at the door. "My love...don't go out there. Don't follow me. My heart..." He shudders and you barely catch on to the last words. "I could not bear to lose you. Ever."

You don't even realise that you are crying until well after he leaves, wiping the heavy tears from your cheeks as you force yourself to your shaking feet and start to dress, knowing, without any doubt, that Thorin was still there. As sick as he was, he was still trying, and while many would never understand what he was going through, you were willing to fight for that, because if you didn't, the battle out there would never end well.

Leaving, even with Thorin's words hanging heavily over you, you make your way to the armoury.

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