Kili ~ Eye of the Storm

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It had been you eavesdropping that started. In all honesty, you hadn't meant to, but you knew when you heard Kili's voice that there was no point in fighting the draw you had to the dwarf, and any ammunition you could get against him was going to be good.

You'd snuck closer, as all friends do, trying to make out his words.

Fili's voice joined in, although his were in clear warning.

Kili laughed and you finally caught what he was saying. "Please Fi, Y/N won't know what hit her." His voice booms in a mockingly superior way. "I am silent and strong, just waiting for the right moment to strike. Trust me Fili, the plan is fool proof."

It took a lot for you to not laugh at that, especially when Fili answered.

"If you're not careful Kili, the full fury of Y/N will hit you and I can promise that you won't like it."

Biting your finger hard as you walked away to stifle any giggles, you knew that you had to get Kili first.

Which was why you were now running as if your life depended on it, through the halls of Erebor, laughing, Kili's footfalls and shouts after you, even as dripping wet and black as he was, it wasn't enough to slow him down.

It had been surprisingly easy, but years of friendship had meant that the two of you, no matter how many prank wars you'd had, had a certain respect for each other and usually you both knew there was a time and place for everything.

All you'd had to do was lead Kili to a room that you'd prepared, a strip to trip him over the doorway, and a large tub that was mostly water, but with just enough black ink in it to stain both clothes and skin.

And he'd fell for it, literally, so beautifully.

You don't remember having laughed so hard at one of your pranks before, tears filling yours eyes as Kili coughed and spluttered, struggling back to his feet, his expression near unreadable for a moment before his gaze locked on you.

"Oh, you are so dead Y/N!"

Your laughter echoed through the halls and many of the dwarves wondered for a moment if you'd gone mad until they saw the wet and stained Kili chasing after you, which, from most, simply earned a shake of the head.

At one point, you barely missed Fili in the hall.

"Sorry Fili!" You shouted back, grinning, not daring to slow down.

"Fi! Stop her!" Kili roared after you.

Fili just sighed as Kili's bolts past. "I warned you Kili. Why do you never listen to me?"

"It wasn't supposed to go like this!" Kili shouted back before disappearing down the hall after you, leaving Fili shaking his head.

"That's why you should always talk in private brother."

Bursting into another hall, knowing that you'd eventually have to find somewhere to hide, Kili's endurance a lot better than yours, even as wet he was, but it was in that moment it came to a sudden stop.


You skidded to sudden halt, flinching at your fathers voice even as you dared to glance up, finding him marching down the hall towards you.

You suppressed a groan, especially when seeing King Thorin following behind.

It was clear by both their expressions that they were furious.


You squealed as Kili tackled you to the ground, both of you struggling until two sets of hands pulled you apart.

"That's enough," Thorin growled, keeping a tight hold on Kili's collar. "You are both behaving like children."

Your father was brushing your clothes down roughly. "Honestly, and here I was thinking that you could both start acting like adults! Especially with what is planned for tonight!"

Kili looks terrified and you frown at your father. "What is planned for tonight?"

"It's a celebration," Kili said quickly. "I was trying to tell you that earlier Y/N, before you...well..." He gestures to himself and shrugs helplessly.

You couldn't help the giggle that leaves you. "Well, I had to make sure that I got you first after overhearing you talking to Fili the other day."

It was Thorin that broke the odd silence that had fallen, sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Kili..."

Kili's face, much to your astonishment, turned bright red. "I thought it was only fair Uncle, I mean, what if she doesn't want this?"

Your expression fell as it dawned on you that maybe Kili hadn't been talking about pranking you. "What?"

"We each have our duty to preform for the kingdom, Prince Kili," Your father said. "And this is yours and Y/N's."

You looked at Kili, who's gaze was practically pleading at you to understand.

"Oh," You said suddenly, eyes going wide. "You want Kili and I to start courting?"

Kili turned such a shade of red that you giggled again, even though it was hidden by the dark pigmenting of the ink. "Yes, something I was trying to tell you before you tripped me into...whatever this stuff is."

You beamed. "Well, you should've said so quicker, I might have just changed my mind."

Your father snorts. "You are going to have to start having a stronger sense of duty girl, you will be wedded to a Prince, whether you like it or not."

You shrugged. "I didn't disagree, did I? I kind of figured that it would happen sooner or later, we've been friends for a long time now. If nothing was said or done before hand, I'm one of us would've eventually mentioned it to the other."

Kili smiled at you. "So you want to?"

"Of course I do," You beamed. "I can hardly watch you go and marry some boring sensible woman now, can I? You'd die of boredom before you died of old age."

Kili chuckled and, surprisingly, so did Thorin. "They'll be find Y/F/N."

Your father was still glaring at you angrily, glancing up at Thorin. "There cannot always be time for joking."

"No," Thorin agreed. "But they would not be the perfect pair if they didn't. Come, we still have much to discuss before tonight."

Thorin leads the way away, much to your fathers annoyance, leaving the two of you alone again, watching after them.

The soft squelch of Kili's shoes told you he stepped closer. "You are unbelievable."

You grinned back at him. "I just wait for the right moment to strike Kili. A little storm every now and again does some good."

He snorts, his eyes sparkling. "Betrothed or not, you are still so dead."

Beaming, you take several steps back. "You still have to catch me first."

And the chase continued.

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