Thorin ~ Admiration

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You were enjoying Rivendell, it was peaceful after a life on the road and you knew that, despite the dwarves reluctance, that you were all getting the rest you all needed.

Honestly, after almost getting eaten by trolls and run down by wargs, you needed it.

Taking your time, you explored Rivendell, none of the elves seemed to mind, but you figured that they were just happy to have someone that was polite to them. You would join the dwarves for meals, but were more than happy to leave them be and them you as you went about.

There was one particular spot that you had taken a liking to, a balcony that gave an amazing view of the sunset and made you really not want to think about leaving. It would light up everything in a way that you had never thought that you'd see and really believe in the magic of the world.

However, you also discovered it was unfortunately good for eavesdropping.

As you were watching the sun go down, Thorin, Dwalin and Balin happened to walk underneath. At first you ignored them, but then there voices carried up to you.

"...truly. I've never seen anything like it."

"You should talk to her about it."

"Don't be daft. Do you know how much more trouble there'd be?"

"Thorin, you can't just protect the lass like that." It was Balin that had spoken and you watched the three of them walk, eyes narrowing on Thorin. "It's not good for her."

"What would you have me do? It would be hazardous otherwise. It is a risk that cannot be taken, you saw her against those wargs."

Anger stabbed at you and you sighed loudly. "Whatever shall I do? I'd be nowhere without my hero."

The three dwarves stopped, having long enough to see you roll your eyes and turn and walk away.

Grumbling to yourself, you thought that you'd actually put up a good fight against the wargs, that you had helped them get out of that situation. It took everything you had not to listen to the voice, sounding a lot like Thorin, saying that you still needed protection.

"Y/N wait."

"I don't want to hear it Thorin."

"You misunderstand."

"I doubt it."

He grabbed your arm to make you stop, his face flushed. "I promise you, you misunderstand. I meant no offense by what I said."

"Yes, because saying I need protection-"

"That is not what I said." You looked at him and he awkwardly let go of your arm as he cleared his throat. "You only heard a part of the conversation."

You fold your arms. "Enlighten me. Please."

Thorin sighed. "What you did against the was something that I had not expected to see. I was simply telling Balin and Dwalin how...impressed I your skills..." He shuffled a little, even as he looked away, his cheeks flushing a little deeper red. "They were trying to tell me to tell you, seeing as I'd been less than kind so far."

"Oh." You felt heat creep into your cheeks. "Well...thanks...I guess."

Thorin nods. "You're welcome."

The silence that fell was awkward as you kept casting glances at each other for a moment, before Thorin cleared his throat again.

"Well, I guess I will leave you to it."


Both of you quickly turned and walked in opposite directions, neither overly sure about what had just happened.

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