Thranduil ~ Wrath

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The approaching footsteps of the king made many of the elves scatter, knowing what was coming, that he would not hesitate to pick up on the slightest detail wrong when he was in a mood like this.

They all knew what you had done and yet it seemed you were the only one calm about it.

Thranduil couldn't care less as the other's all hurried away, his expression stone cold as he walked to where you were, the casual movements you made only fuelling him further.

He stopped and waited for you to notice him.

You could feel his eyes on you, could feel the almost violent energy beating at you, but you knew that whatever was coming, you had still done the right thing.

Slowly you turned to face him. "Thranduil. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

His nostrils flaring were the only indication he gave that your words affected him, his voice his usual tone. "You know very well why I am here Y/N. I suggest you speak your words quickly before I decide on your punishment."

Sighing, you straightened and stood before him proudly. "My actions were my own, I do not deny that. I could not simply stand by and watch the injustice being done."

"Injustice?" The word was almost spat. "And what injustice do you speak of?"

You frowned a little. "Thranduil, we both know you had no right to hold those dwarves here, they had committed no crime against us or our people-"

"They were trespassing on our lands."

"Because they were lost." You said simply. "I didn't realise we were in the business of sentencing death upon those that accidentally walked into our lands?"

Thranduil took a step closer, but you did not shy away. "And I did not think that you were in the business of going against the word of your king."

"I'm not normally," You held his burning gaze. "However, when an old feud comes before a rational decision, then there must be action taken by others. I was not going to sit by and simply-"

"Silence!" The coldness in his voice took you back, having never heard him this furious before as you searched his gaze but only found anger within. "I will not be told how to protect my people nor how to handle my prisoner's. Not. By. Anyone."

The words stung, but still you held your ground. "My King, I can understand your anger, but I did what I thought was best. You have sought my counsel, many times, and I have been more than happy to give an honest answer. When I realised that this time, there was no counsel to be sought and that you were acting, what I considered, irrationally, then I acted. I knew that it would bare consequences, but I do not think it fair-"

"You think it simply because I bed you that that means you can do as you please?" He hissed low, making you draw in a sharp breath. "You are not above my law Y/N, and thus you will face the full consequences of letting those dwarves go free."

Your own anger picked up now. "If that is the way it must be, then so be it. I was not going to sit by and watch them rot away in our prison cells simply because you refused to do your job!"

Thranduil stormed away, shouting down the halls. "Guards! Arrest her and keep her under close lock and key!"

You stood there, stunned, barely even registering as two guards, looking guilty, took your arms and lead you through the halls to very prison cells you'd let the dwarves out of last night.

Keeping your head high, you walked into a cell without resistance, only turning back as the door closed behind you, Thranduil standing there, watching.

"Time is but a shadow of a thought," You said coldly. "And not many of us use them wisely. I guess this too is true for Thranduil."

His eyes narrow on you. "We will see who uses their time for thoughts Y/N. Let's hope you don't come grovelling to my feet too soon."

"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction my King," You turned your back to him. "Perhaps when your anger hasn't made you so unreasonable, then it will be you coming grovelling to me."

Your words were met by furious footsteps walking away. You remained motionless until they disappeared, leaving you standing there, feeling hollow, letting out a shaky breath.

"Dark days are coming," One of the guards muttered. "It's not natural."

"Dark days indeed," You said quietly. "Perhaps once they pass, then reason shall be had."

The guards cast you a worried, pitying look as you sit, but fall silent, leaving you just to your thoughts and the new doubts that they were bringing, refusing to let the ache in your heart show.

This wrath would not last. You had to believe that.

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