Bofur ~ You are the...

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This wasn't how you thought that this would all go. You knew that it wouldn't necessarily be all splendour and glory, that the dangers around the quest were high and there would be no doubt that all of you would be different by the end of it.

But you never expected war.

It was so overwhelming that you almost felt it was hard to breath, that your hands were constantly shaking and you couldn't sleep, no matter how hard you tried, making all of it feel even worse.

The one to help you get through it all, was Bofur, who made sure that he hardly left your side during it all. The two of you had been best friends for a long time, and he'd convinced Thorin to allow you on the quest in the first place, not that you weren't going to fight for the chance anyway, but Bofur just beat you too it.

He'd kept your mood high when you were struggling, made sure you were laughing as much as possible and that none of the others were bothering you too much.

So it was no surprise when he found you on the wall, watching the people of Lake Town and the elves of Mirkwood gather together in Dale, preparing for the battle in the morning.

"Didn't realise that you were meant to be on watch Y/N." He said as he climbed the steps to join you, making you give a small smile at him. "Pretty sure that it should be Gloin up here."

"He was complaining of the cold." You said. "So I told him to rest up. The cold doesn't bother me."

A cloak is set around your shoulders and you give a small laugh, shaking your head and Bofur smiles at you. "Don't give me that, you've never liked the cold."

"Well, it only seems fitting to start liking it." You shudder though, pulling the coat tighter. "Besides, I can't sleep anyway."

Bofur stands close, letting your arms touch as he leans against the wall with you, looking out. "Aye, there'll be no easy day tomorrow."

For a moment, the silence hangs heavy between the two of you, the weight of everything almost seeming too much.

Bofur takes your hand with a heavy sigh. "You know, no one is going to fault you for staying in here Y/N."

You bristle a little. "I will not leave you all to fight alone, that's not how this works. This is still my fight and I've come all this way and-"

You stop, seeing Bofur's affectionate smile. "I wasn't doubting your courage Y/N, I would never do that, but if you wish to remain safe, because I know that this is bigger than what you expected, then there is no shame in staying in these halls."

"Bofur, this is bigger than what we all expected." You said, shaking off his hand and stepping away. "And no matter how much I want to feel safe, I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to any of you and I was not out on the field with you." You draw in a shuddering breath. "Not to mention, what if we lost? If they came in here and plundered our halls? I would be alone, and that is much more terrifying than going out there."

"Y/N..." Bofur's voice was quiet and gentle and he waited until you faced him again. "I promise, that should it come to that end, you will not be alone. I will not leave your side."

The small smile returns to you and you sigh gently. "Oh Bofur, there is only so much you can look after me. Tomorrow may not go the way that any of us intend."

"I have little doubt it will Y/N." He steps closer, taking your hands in his again, wrapping his hands around yours to protect them from the cold. "But...should the inevitable happen...I mean...I couldn't live with myself...and-"

"We can't afford to think that way." You said softly.

Bofur shakes his head. "I know that, but with it so close and with so many against us-"

"It's hard not to, I know." You cupped his cheeks, putting on a braver smile. "But like you said, you are not in this alone."

He gives a small laugh and takes yours hands once again, pressing a kiss to them. "Y/N...can I tell you something?"

You blink in surprise. "Bofur, since when have you not told me everything?"

The laugh he gives is shaky and he shakes his head. "Never, but this is different. This...well, just let me tell you."

Not really knowing what to say, you simply nod and wait.

It takes Bofur a moment, gathering himself before he takes a half step closer, brushing the hair from your eyes, his gaze the most sincere that you had ever seen it and you felt your heart rate increase, holding your breath, waiting for whatever he was about to say.

"Y/N..." He begins softly, holding your gaze. "You are the love of my life;" Your eyes widened, but Bofur continues, just as gentle, his voice unwavering. "I need you to know that now, before we throw our lives away. The thought of losing you out there is tearing me apart and I know that I would not be able to live with myself had I never said anything."

Bofur finally draws in a breath to steady himself, giving a smile that was more himself than what you had seen all night. "I know we have been friends for a long time, and it's okay if you want it to stay that way, but I just had to tell you, and I will still be loyal to you either way."

It felt as if everything fell away as you finally remembered to breathe again, and you felt tears prick your eyes that you tried to blink away before throwing your arms around him in a tight hug. You were crying before you could say anything, crying harder as Bofur's arms wrapped tightly around you, protecting you against the cold and with the promise of any other threat to come. Your actions spoke louder than any words could have, and as this sunk in, Bofur started to cry to, tears dripping down into your hair.

You would eventually return those words, but for now, this was enough.

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