Dwalin ~ Teasing

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Sweat kissed your brow as you bustled around the kitchen, having no time to think about what you were actually doing, there was still much to prepare after all, but it didn't stop you noticing a certain dwarf sneaking in behind you.

"Touch those cookies and an empty jar won't be the only thing you're left with." You said, making Dwalin freeze.

Dwalin stared at your back, his hand frozen over the jar full of cookies that were sitting on the bench.

"I mean it Dwalin," You said, still not turning around, busying yourself over a pot. "Those cookies are not meant to be eaten yet."

He smirks. "I wouldn't even think about it galthûna. I'm only in here to help."

"Then get helping." You point at another pot. "Start stirring."

"Oh, I can start stirring, but what's going to be in it for me?"

You squealed as Dwalin's armed wrapped around you, making you laugh as he kisses your neck. "Dwalin! Now is hardly the time."

"Why not?" He growled. "You won't let me have a cookie otherwise."

You laugh again, turning in his arms to push him away, jabbing him playfully in the chest. "Don't you use that on me Dwalin, that's absurd."

His grin widens. "Is it? Seems to be the only snack we have afterwards."

You threaten him with a wooden spoon this time. "Dwalin, I'm warning you, we are meant to be getting ready and I still have lots to do."

Dwalin laughs, grabbing the spoon off you and heading for the pot you'd originally pointed to. "I'm only stirring Y/N, you know, what you asked me to do."

Now with his back to you, you rolled your eyes, still smiling. "Then you best get to it Dwalin, or there will be no cookies."

"Eh?" Dwalin turns, finding you taking a cookie out of the jar. "Oi!"

You take a bite, looking innocent. "What? The cook gets to eat."

"And the assistant can't?"

"No," Your grin widens. "He's been slack all day, not helping his wife cook for the celebration."

Dwalin raises an eyebrow. "I've been setting up outside."

"Mmhmm," You take another bite, shrugging. "So?"

He stalks forward, the spoon now pointing at you. "You are asking for trouble galthûna."

You smile up at him. "Tell you what, you put on my apron and finish the cooking while I go and freshen up, then I just might let you have one."

Dwalin's gaze moves from you to your apron to the cookie jar sitting just out of reach before returning back to you. "You're serious?"

"Is there a problem Dwalin?" You smile sweetly.

"You're really going to make me do it to get a cookie?"

"I'm not going to make you do anything." You said lightly, taking off your apron and then grabbing the cookie jar. "But don't let the food burn dear, I'd hate to have to start again."

Dwalin stared after you as you, the cookie jar under your arm. He sighs, shaking his head as he grabs your apron, hearing you laugh down the hall, bringing a smile to his lips.

What could he say? You and your cookies were worth it.

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