Thorin ~ Happiness

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He's never really been this bad before, nerves threatening to make him feel like he wanted to swallow his own tongue or just bolt to the hills and forget the whole affair.

"You so much as do anything of the sort Thorin, and I'll be chasing you into those hills myself with your sword in hand." Dis spoke next to him, making Thorin jump, not realising he'd spoken out loud.

Heat flushed Thorin's cheeks. "Like you would dare."

Dis's gaze said it all. "If you don't relax Thorin, you are going to look like an idiot in front of everyone."

Thorin rolled his eyes. "Always kind with words Dis."

"I'm only blunt with you because I need to be." She shakes her head and mutters something about him being daft.

Thorin casts her a glare. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

He doesn't miss the smirk that threatens to cross Dis's lips. "Chasing up my sons, no doubt, but this is far more amusing."

"Dis..." Thorin growls, making her laugh.

"It's not dangerous." She said lightly, moving past him to leave the room. "You aren't going into battle today, and if I were you, I'd keep that tongue too, it can be rather useful."

She dashes out before it sinks in as to what she was suggesting, making Thorin curse after her, her laughter floating back.

Thorin, still muttering under his breath, walks to his mirror, sighing at the slight redness of his cheeks still, before looking down at himself, the ceremonial armour fitting snugly. He tugs it a little, trying to get more comfortable, but he knew that nothing was going to work, he was just going to have to face that fact.

With time still to spare, Thorin did the only thing that he could think of doing and started pacing, waiting for someone to come and get him.

"You weren't even this much of a mess going up against Azog."

Thorin jumped, facing Dwalin, who was leaning against the doorway, arms folded, grinning at him.

"And I don't think I've ever seen you dressed so neatly." Thorin grunts, Dwalin's armour almost looking out of place on him.

Dwalin snorts, still grinning. "Come on your majesty, let's put you out of your misery."

"All of you have no sympathy at all." Thorin growls, storming past him, making Dwalin chuckle.

"Trust me Thorin, you don't need any sympathy for this," Dwalin gives him a little shove as Thorin's step faltered a little. "She's not going anywhere, I promise."

Thorin swallows and just nods, letting himself be lead, but suddenly not having the nerve to speak. Dwalin pats his shoulder, giving a silent chuckle and shaking his head.

The noise reached Thorin first, all the voices and music, and had Dwalin not had a hold of him, Thorin had little doubt he would've taken himself up on his earlier thought.

The cheers came next as Thorin walked into the hall, making him clear his throat and draw in a deep breath, Dwalin smiling.

"You'll be fine Thorin." He said quietly to him, winking over Thorin's shoulder at Dis who were standing with Fili and Kili, all of them stifling giggles.

Thorin tried his best not to look half terrified as he stepped forward, refraining from fiddling more with the armour, and it almost felt like too short of time before a silence fell and he swore that his heart stopped, panic crossing his expression for a split second.

Then he saw you.

The smile that Thorin gave was only meant for you, one that you returned as you walked towards him. It took only a moment before the tears started, taking Thorin's hands in yours, your own eyes shining as you give a small laugh at him, reaching up to wipe a tear from his cheek.

Thorin beams at you, no longer caring for the cheering crowd which had started again. He knew that he had nothing to worry about.

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