Fili ~ You're in the Army Now

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The several young dwarves gathered together, all smiling faces, laughing voices and patting each other's arms in a job well done, you and Fili among them.

There were a few scratches and bruises amongst you, but for the most part, you were unharmed and all still very pumped after the fighting, their voices carrying around, the hardened warriors shooting dark looks to the young dwarves.

You threw your arm around Fili's shoulders. "Did you all see Fili out there? Saw the way he took down those orcs. No one can stand against the mighty arm of a Durin!"

There was a round of laughter, Fili nudging you. "Y/N..."

"Just because the two of you are courting, doesn't mean you have to dote on each other." One of them joke, making the others boo him.

"Leave them alone!"

"Yeah, if you fought like those two out there, you'd be doting on your significant other too."

Another round of laughter sounded and Fili wrapped his arm around you, grinning widely.

"Just because you lot are jealous." You giggle, kissing Fili's cheek. "And don't have that kind of support, and view if I might add, on the field."

"Oh yeah? I'm sure Fili's more than happy to know that you're distracted by him more than paying attention to the fight."

"Please," You said, grinning. "Fili is more than aware that I can handle myself, not to mention, if you didn't notice, we still topped all of you guys who were paying attention the whole time."

Fili chuckles by your side. "We came. We saw. We kicked its ass."

The holler of laughter that went around made Dwalin get up from the other side of the room, the laughter going quickly silent as you all caught his expression, one by one, as he furiously marched towards all of you.

You all stared at him with wide, scared eyes, all knowing the wrath of the large dwarf having all been trained by him and all shared bruised from his training.

"What do you think you're all doing?" He hissed through clenched teeth, eyes flashing dangerously.

Sharing a look, it took a moment before one of you was game enough to speak.

"Err..." Dwalin's gaze turned to the young dwarf who'd spoken. "We were...just having a bit of a laugh? The battle went well."

Dwalin's fists clenched and there was a slight shuffle backwards, ensuring that all of you were out of reach, Fili shifting slightly in front of you. "Have a look around you. Where do you think you are standing?"

For the first time, the young dwarves did a survey of the room, their eyes landing on all the wounded and hurt, of other hurrying amongst them, bringing supplies. Crying can be heard and they can make out blood pooling in some areas on the floor.

Their faces turn pale, all of them hanging their heads a little, not looking at each other and definitely not looking at Dwalin.

Dwalin's hands rest on yours and Fili's shoulders, his expression grim. "There is a time and place for celebration after a battle, but this is not one of them. I get it, I do, there's nothing like that first rush, especially when we have technically won, but you two...given your position, you need to pay attention."

You swallowed, hanging your head and Fili's hand snuck into yours as he meets Dwalin's eye.

"It was not our intention Dwalin," He said quietly. "In truth, we were all scared out there, it was nothing like what we had been prepared for and, in hindsight, I don't think there was much that could be done to prepare us for that. We were simply venting away the nervous energy, it was not deliberate to be inappropriate."

Dwalin nods, squeezing his shoulder. "I understand Fili, I do, just be glad it's me having this talk and not your uncle." You do a quick search of the room, indeed making sure that Thorin wasn't around. "Why don't you lot head to the camp, get some rest and warm food in ya. This war is far from over and we're going to be needing you all at your best."

With grim expressions and muttered apologies, you and Fili lead the small group away, not meeting anyone's eye.

Dwalin watches after the group, his expression stoic as Balin approaches him.

"That was wise of you brother," Balin said quietly. "But you know that they still have a lot of learning to do."

Dwalin nods. "I know, but this lesson was hard enough for the day, we're just lucky that we didn't lose one of them." He sighs and shakes his head, turning back to all the wounded. "Come on, let's make sure everything's settled here before we go and find Thorin for more preparations for tomorrow."

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