Thranduil ~ I can't think...

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It was a long, not so well kept secret that Thranduil was interested in you, his gaze often subtly following you as you walked through a room, or a slight clearing of his throat if you were nearby, which usually only seemed to make you smile and continue whatever it was that you had been doing at the time.

While the rest of the elves of the Woodland Realm, tolerated it, they didn't overly approved it, mostly because, it seemed, that the King was unwilling to do anything about it bar observe. Even Legolas was known to roll his eyes here and there at his father's antics, but no one ever dared to say anything.

Thranduil not doing anything about it however, couldn't have been further from the truth. He found it amusing that no one had cottoned on to the relationship that the two of you had, and for the moment, he was willing to keep it that way, it meant less questions and less interference, giving the two of you time to just enjoy yourselves.

You knew this and while you agreed, it wasn't going to stop you from making his life as difficult as possible to try and get him to out it.

Today was no different.

You'd gotten yourself a new dress made, one that didn't reveal much, but it fit your form nicely and you were more than comfortable in it as you went about your daily tasks for the day, unable to stop smiling due the way you felt in it.

Your first encounter with Thranduil however, made you realise that it could have a much bigger purpose.

Thranduil's gaze wondered to you as soon as you entered the room, which was normal, however, when you caught him staring, it wasn't for your momentary attention as it usually was, instead, he seemed to be eyeing the dress, drinking you in, and a much more mischievous smile came to your lips.

The extra swing of your hips was subtle enough that others didn't notice, but prominent enough that Thranduil definitely did, his eyes narrowing on you as you shoot him back a grin.

This was going to be a good day.

You took your time doing everything when Thranduil was around, always adding in some sort of movement that would intentionally draw his gaze to where you wanted, ignoring his glares when it probably was, at some points, a little inappropriate. At one point you gave a small shrug at him, knowing that no one else was paying attention to you, too busy in their own work, so there was no harm.

It was just distracting to the king.

Thranduil, after silently enduring it for most of the day, cleared his throat a little louder than normal, earning the stares from most of the room.

You fought back a giggle, casting him a small smile to keep yourself in control and bowing and exiting the room.

You took your time winding down for the night, in no hurry in your room to get out of your dress, knowing that as soon as he had a chance, Thranduil would be there.

Humming to yourself, you brushed your hair, more than pleased with how the day went. The dress had made you feel the best that you had in a long time, even without the attention of Thranduil, it was just something special that you didn't give yourself more than enough of.

The soft knock on your door made you smile and you bid him enter.

Thranduil's expression was calm and cool, as it normally was, but his eyes gave him away, practically burning into you.

You stood to greet him, not hiding your smile. "My King, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

He stared at you, eyes narrowing a little, but he doesn't move from where he closed the door. "What do you think you are doing Y/N?"

You raised an eyebrow. "I've simply been doing my tasks my lord, why do you ask?"

"Doing your tasks?" He repeated slowly. "So you haven't intentionally been toying with your King all day?"

You knew the tone, knew that he was clearly angry, but that was just what was on the surface. "Toying with you? That certainly doesn't sound like me. I was simply showing of my new dress."

A low growl left him and with a few long strides, he closed the distance between the two of you and locked you into a searing kiss, his hunger clear, making you shiver and quickly hold onto him to keep yourself grounded and not get swept into things too quickly.

Thranduil broke away, breathing a little hard. "I can't think when you walk around dressed like that." His fingers traced along the outline of your dress slowly. "Do you know how many times I had to ask people to repeat things today?"

You couldn't help it, breaking out into a large grin. "Damn, I'm sad I missed that."

His blue eyes bored into yours for a moment. "Do you find this amusing Y/N?"

"Would I do a thing like that to you Thranduil?" You asked innocently. "Surely I know you better than to tempt fate like that."

Thranduil steps in impossibly closer, getting right into your personal space so that you could feel the heat radiating off of him, making your breath catch in your throat as he stares down at you, hands skimming over the dress.

"I would think that you would, but in all honestly, I'm not convinced." He said quietly. "Especially when you've been smiling so much. I think you've rather enjoyed torturing me."

"Can I not just enjoy my new dress?" You asked, almost seeing his lips twitch into a smile at the sound of breathlessness in your voice. "It is awfully nice."

"That it is," His thumb brushes your cheek, his lips hovering above yours. "And I would hate to see it ruined."

With that, he stepped back, leaving you blinking, a little stunned, the smile creeping onto his face now.

You pout a little. "I guess I deserve that, huh?"

Thranduil chuckles. "Oh, you deserve a lot more than that my love, however I still have a few duties to attend to tonight, so you are going to have to wait to see what I have in mind."

With that, he disappeared as quickly as he'd come in, leaving you staring at the door, face a little flushed and thinking quickly.

"Fine," You said out loud, letting a smile come back to you. "But don't expect me to make it easy for you." You face the bed, eyes shining with mischief. "If you want war, you've got it."

You could've sworn you heard a chuckle behind the door, but this just made your smile widen and start to plan for his return.

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