Fili ~ Faceless

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Fili sat on one of the many balconies of Erebor, looking out over everything, puffing away at his pipe. Now that everything had settled, now that they had reclaimed what had once been there, he had time to think on what he left behind.

He was worried, there was no one that doubted that, they knew what he'd left behind, but only a few knew to what extent the exact sacrifice he'd made.

A day hadn't gone by where he hadn't worried about you, constantly on his mind. Thoughts would consume him in any quiet moment that he could get, and now that it was , now that he'd been given time to rest, there was little else he could think of.

If something had happened to you while he gone, he would never forgive himself.

"Fili..." You had practically whimpered in his arms, eyes shining with tears as you pleaded with him. "I can't find who I am without you near me."

"Y/N," He'd said softly, brushing a tear away. "I-"

"I'd give anything to live, cause without you I don't exist," Your voice rose through sobs. "You're the only one who can save me from myself!"

Fili cupped your cheeks firmly between his hands. "Enough, there is no need for panic, you've been doing so well."

"With you here," You sob. "How am I meant to do this alone?"

He kisses the tears away. "You are stronger than you think, and it will go quicker than you know. We will be together again in no time."

Your eyes held desperation, one that Fili knew, he knew that you were afraid of falling back into old habits, ones that he'd been helping you through.

"Y/N," He kissed you lightly on the lips. "I will always be with you, no matter how far I am from you." His finger trailed into your hair, down a braid that he'd put there, the bead sitting in the palm of his hand. "This, here, is the proof of how much I love you, how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Then stay." You voice is broken, scared.

Fili sighs. "You know I can't, no matter how much I want to. My duty calls me, and if-if I can do this, if we can make it there, then we can start a new life together, the troubles can be put behind you and we can start again."

Your lip trembles, fresh tears spilling even as you give a small laugh. "That's not how it works."

He smiles and rest his head against yours. "I know, but it's a nice thought, isn't it? To be able to leave it all behind?"

You had sobbed and nodded, throwing your arms around him.

Fili had held you until you stopped crying, then laid with you until you fell asleep. He'd hated leaving early the next morning, Kili's expression worried and understanding as he met him outside, but he knew that he had to do this.

Now, he was waiting for you.

Fili still hadn't been in a very good state when the messages were sent out to the Blue Mountains, so he didn't get a chance to included anything that he wanted to. He'd been present when the raven returned and the message from his mother read, but he was angry and disappointed that there was no mention of you.

Thorin had forbidden him from sending anything further, not wanting to draw attention the those that were traveling, especially around areas where goblins still roamed, and so still he was left wondering, scared perhaps that you would not come.

There shouldn't be too long in your journey left to Erebor and so he waited up here every night, over looking the land, hoping to see the troupe first so he could hurry out and meet you.


He turned at his Uncle's voice, a scar, still red, running down his face just a reminder of how close they'd all come. "Uncle."

Thorin joins him, leaning on the balcony and looking towards the setting sun. "It shouldn't be too much longer now."

Fili draws in a deep breath and let's it slowly. "I hope so."

Thorin glances at him and let the silence hold for a moment. "Y/N will make a fine queen one day."

Fili frowns. "You think so?"

Thorin nods, not looking at him. "She is strong, she may not see it, but you have proved it to her time and time again; she is hardly recognizable from the woman I first met."

"There was still a way to go when I left," Fili said quietly. "I am afraid for her."

"I know," Thorin said quietly. "None of this is easy Fili, you will need time, and patience, and perhaps a firm word or two, but you will both get through it, I promise."

Fili looks at Thorin, whose gaze it still facing outward, a soft smile on his lips.

"What if she hasn't made it?" He asked quietly. "What if..."

"Then you bring her back." Thorin said, looking at him with a smile. "You keep fighting for her even when she stops. The words of those that we love are our reasoning in dark days." He gives a light chuckle as Fili still looks at him worriedly and he rests his hands on his shoulders. "Y/N will be fine Fili, no matter what time you spend away, you made that commitment to her and she knows that. Do not worry over something that you do not yet know."

Fili sighs and nods, dropping his gaze away. " has been difficult."

"I know," Thorin said. "But you have done all that you can." He tips Fili's gaze back to him. "Now, why don't you go greet them at the gates, I won't be far behind."

Fili goes to ask when a horn sounds and his eyes go wide, looking over the balcony and seeing a company of dwarves, clearly led by his mother, coming towards Erebor.

Fili shoots a grin at Thorin, who smiles back, before bolting through the halls, his heart pounding.

You were there, tears in your eyes, already running to greet him.

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