Bard ~ Light a Fire

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Once Bard had found and settled his children, there was only one other person that he was left hunting for in the crowd. Everyone was wet, scared and theirs eyes were dull at the task that was before them, the silent question of how many would last the night hung heavily over all of them.

But Bard couldn't see you.

He didn't understand, you'd been with the children, had been helping watch them while he was away, but when asked, the children said that you'd left not long before the dragon attacked. You'd gone to try and find something to help the dwarf and not returned.

Now, his heart feeling heavy, he was starting to grow worried that he'd find your body in the water. He honestly didn't know what he'd do if he saw such a thing and he kept trying to chase the image away, but the longer that his search went on, the longer it lingered.

"Bard! Bard over here!"

His head snapped up as he saw Percy waving his arms at him and Bard hurried over, several men standing over your motionless form.

Bard felt like his world stopped as he stood frozen, staring.

Percy's hand clamped hard on his arm. "She's alive, but barely. We need to get her warm and somewhere safe."

Bard drew a slow breath, his heart beating again, and nods. "Okay. Let's get...her wrapped up, we'll have to carry her."

He didn't want to think about how you'd ended up in such a state, didn't want to think about the terrified looks on his children's faces when they saw you like that. He, reluctantly, had a job to do, and that was to get everyone to safety.

Dale wasn't much of a shelter, but for the moment, it would have to do them.

Bard ordered for you to be taken to somewhere quiet and warm, knowing that, when you woke up, it would be shock enough without coming to surrounded by the wounded and dying.

He had to believe that you'd wake up.

He kept himself busy, doing what he could for his people, he made sure that his children were settled, it was only when his body called for rest, that he went to you.

He quickly dismissed the woman that had been with you, keeping you warm with blankets and warm water, a small fire burning a little bit away. Bard got as close as he dared and sunk against a wall, fighting back a weary groan.

"I'm sorry Y/N," He said quietly. "I should have been there for you."

Bard was glad that there was bit of colour back in your cheeks, but it wasn't helping the ache he still feeling in his heart, of the regrets plaguing him.

Suddenly, he found that he couldn't look at you, not wanting to feel what he was, so he focused on the only other thing in the room, the fire.

It helped a little, allowing his mind to rest a bit and start to drift into a half sleep that made his mind wander to strange things.

"I will light a fire," He mumbled to himself, eyes half closed as he looked at the fire. "And the embers bright will guide you through the night when it's cold outside. You will come back to me, guided by my light, and I will never let you go again."

His eyes drifted shut.


He started and it took a moment before your quiet voice made sense to him and he turned to look at you, your eyes barely open, but you were casting him a small smile.

"Y/N," He said, his voice breaking slightly, shifting close to you. "How do you feel?"

"Cold." You said simply, coughing slightly. "I think I swam a little too long."

Bard gives a small smile and brushes your hair back. "We'll get you better Y/N, you don't have to worry about that, but maybe no more swimming for a while would be good for you?"

You give a slight laugh and try and stir under the blankets. "Are we safe?"

"For now," He said, taking your hand as you manage to move it from under the blankets, holding it firmly between his. "How long that will last tomorrow, I cannot say. Smaug is dead and word travels fast."

You blink at him, the words seeming to register slowly. "Smaug is dead?"

Bard nods, not wanting to repeat what happened yet.

"Oh, that's good." You smiled and Bard couldn't but return it.

"Are you going to stay with me?" You asked after a moment.

"Yes Y/N." He said. "I'm not leaving your side ever again."

"Good," Your eyes drift shut again. "I'd hate to think...after words like that..."

Bard couldn't remember exactly what he said, but he had known the meaning behind them. "Y/N?"


"Would you like me to lie with you? Help keep you warm?"

Your expression was embarrassed, but you just nodded, not making any noise, already drifting into sleep again.

Bard smiles softly and moves you carefully, joining you under the blankets, making sure that you were comfortable and warm, and it wasn't long before he was joining you in sleep, dreaming of the good times to come, of maybe getting a second change that he'd always dreamed of.

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