Kili ~ This isn't the end...

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If anyone had told you that living with two guys was going to be easy, especially two brothers, then you would have had great delight in telling them otherwise.

Fili and Kili had to be the two hardest roommates you'd ever had to deal with.

Normally, you wouldn't take a place with two guys, but you'd been desperate to find somewhere since your other roommates had decided to become a couple and you got tired of listening to them argue, amongst other things.

It wasn't that Fili and Kili were unbearable in that way, they were just two regular brothers that gave each other hell in ridiculous prank wars that occasionally you got caught in the middle of. You knew how to give what you got, so that was of little issue, the problem came from the fact that they weren't exactly used to living with a third person, meaning that, occasionally, privacy went out the window.

More often than not, it usually revolved around the bathroom.

More than once, they'd walked in on you, and, also more times than you wanted to count, they walked out without anything on besides a towel, and that was if you were lucky.

What made it all worse, was that you were crushing on Kili, hard, and he seemed blissfully unaware of it, even when Fili would drop obvious hints and then wink at you, much your annoyance.

Then Kili walked into the bathroom while you were showering again.

"KILI!" You shrieked as he froze, as he often did when he accidently walked in and you tried to cover yourself as much as you could. "GET THE HELL OUT!"

"I'm sorry Y/N! I'm so sorry!"

"Don't apologise, get out!"

Kili stumbles backwards, his face turning red as he tried not to look at you. "Y/N, I-"


He nods furiously, gripping blindly for the door, finally getting a grip on it and closing it behind him.

You heart was hammering with embarrassment and fear, gritting your teeth as you finished your shower as quickly as possible, dried, and got dressed.

Storming out, you find Kili leaning against the nearby wall.

"There," You snap. "Whatever was so important, you can now go do it!"

Kili blinks after you and flinches as you slam your bedroom door closed, making him swallow.

Fili sticks his head out of his room. "What's going on?"

Kili's face turns red and he shakes his head wildly before quickly going to his own room, making Fili frown and look at your closed door.

The house was unusually quiet for the rest of the day, neither Kili nor you wanting to come out of your room and Fili rolling his eyes at the both of you and telling you both that it was ridiculous and it wasn't like it hadn't happened before, which only made it worse.

Finally, he gave up and left for the evening, shouting that he was leaving before the front door slammed behind him.

It was only then that Kili poked his head out of his room, glancing at your door, before he snuck out, leaving as well.

You had your headphones in, reading on your bed, so you heard nothing, your feet swinging back and forth as you read, focused on the words instead wanting to go and bury yourself somewhere.

Finally, your stomach rumbled and you sighed, resigning yourself to getting up and getting food, even if it meant facing Kili.

Opening your door, you found the house was dark, which was unusual and it was only after a moment of listening that you realised that you were home alone.

This made you a little happier and you moved to the kitchen, flicking the light on and starting to raid the fridge. Despite the flaws of living with two guys, you couldn't deny that they kept the fridge well stocked.

Once you'd made yourself a suitable meal, you moved to the lounge room, intending on sitting on the couch and watching Netflix. Flicking the light on, you almost dropped your bowl of food with a squeal as Kili was standing there, hurriedly putting something behind his back.

His face was quickly turning red again. "I'm so sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to startle you!"

You tried to calm your racing heart. "What are you doing walking around in the dark?"

"I just got back," He mumbled, staring at his feet. "I was looking for the light switch over here and, well..."

"I beat you to it." You let out a sigh. "Dammit Kili, we are not doing well today."

Kili nods a little. "I-I know, and I promise it's not intentional."

"I'd be worried if it was." You said and put your bowl down on the coffee table before something else happened. "What are you hiding anyway?"

There was no mistaking it, Kili was definitely going red this time and didn't want to meet your eye. "N-nothing..."

You rolled your eyes. "Fine, don't tell me, it's not like I really care."

Kili flinched, opened his mouth, closed it, swallowed hard before he looked at you. "I...I wanted to apologise..."

When you just raised an eyebrow at him and folded your arms, he bit his lip and moved his arm, showing a bouquet of flowers and holding them out to you.

He flushed and licked his lips as you stared. "I...I didn't want our friendship to be over on something so stupid..."

Hesitantly, you approached and slowly take the flowers, feeling warmth creep into your own face as you smelled them, smiling.

You laughed as he seemed unsure of how to take the reaction. "This isn't the end of anything dumbass." You hit his arm playfully. "How many times have you done it now? Seriously, I would've thought both you and Fili would've learnt to knock by now."

Kili buries his face in his hands with a groan. "I know. I'm sorry."

You smiled and bit your lip, feeling a little bold and staring at the flowers for a moment before back at him. "You know are usually a romantic gesture."

His head snapped up, his eyes wide and he begins spluttering. "I know-I mean-that's not what-you can't just-ugh, this isn't fair!" He pouts and stares back at his feet. "It's not how I wanted you to find out..."

That wasn't the answer you'd been expecting, feeling your face definitely on fire now as you stared at Kili, when he doesn't look up, your gaze softens, realising that he'd been just as nervous about it all as you had.

You step forward and gently touch his cheek, making him look up at you.

You smiled. "Guess it was bound to happen huh?"

Kili blinked. "You mean..."

"Uh huh."

Kili grinned. "Is that why Fili was dropping all those hints?"

You couldn't help it, you rolled your eyes and turned away, grinning. "I'll leave that for you to decide."

His grin falters for a moment, staring after you as you head back towards the kitchen. "What's that supposed to mean Y/N?" He follows after you. "Y/N?"

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