Lindir ~ Ask me anything...

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Diplomacy was your forte, something you'd learnt from a very young age and that your parents were proud to let you follow. It didn't take much for you to become one that Elrond relied on you heavily to get him through more serious meetings.

Because not only were you diplomatic, you somehow always managed to keep the peace.

Which is why everyone said that you and Lindir were a good match. It didn't take long for the two of you to be inseparable when you could, there was just something right about the two of you.

Not that it meant there weren't issues.

Lindir had a jealous streak that you tried to ignore, prefering not to acknowledge it if you could, especially when you noticed dark gazes from Elrond's side at meetings, or the occasional clearing of the throat should another council member just get a little too friendly for his liking.

You didn't understand it, the two of you forever bound, and you loved him with all your heart, yet here he was seeming to be so childish over you.

Normally, you'd let it pass over, although your distaste would be clear, he ignored it as much as you did, but today was different.

Today, both of you had seemed to have enough.

It had been a very basic meeting, and as it ended, you had a joke with one of the other elves, someone you considered a close friend, both of you laughing.

Then he touched your arm.

You knew it didn't mean anything, a sign of friendship and good times, and support from laughing so hard, but you could instantly feel Lindir's eyes burning a hole straight through you and into the poor elf.

You tensed, something that your friend instantly noticed and withdrew his hand, glancing at Lindir.

Scowling, you huffed, and without looking back, stormed from the room, something very unlike you no matter what the situation was.

Lindir was following, but you didn't stop until you reached your bedroom, slamming the door behind you only to be opened and slammed again by Lindir moments later.

You didn't give him a chance to say anything as you rounded on him. "What is your problem Lindir?"

"My problem?" He asked quickly. "Why would I have a problem? You seem to be the one intent on giving everyone else a hint."

"Excuse me?" That had hurt, but you weren't about to let it show. "I do no such thing and would never do such a thing. I cannot help it that you are jealous all the time."

"Jealous?" He blinked. "I am not jealous, I am-"

"What?" You asked flatly. "You are what Lindir? I am your wife, your partner, I am bound to you because I love you with all my heart. So what are you? Do you not trust me?"

This deflates him a little, and the tension between you eases slightly. "I...of course..."

"Then start acting like it." You said. "Because I will not have you acting like this anymore. If it comes down to it, I will start asking Lord Elrond to ensure you aren't present in meeting."

"You can't do that." Lindir said with a frown. "I am needed there just as much as you."

"Then start realising that I am not interested in anyone else, my interactions with others are to keep peace and give council, those I laugh with are friends and no more, those that comfort me know that the meeting has been tough on me. If you realised this instead of thinking of all the other possibilities, then perhaps you could do the same."

Lindir stared at you, guilt slowly coming into his expression. "Y/N..."

"Ask me anything, I would happily die for you." You said firmly. "If you are going to continue to be like this, then ask me whatever you want, and I will tell you honestly, as always."

Lindir sighed, letting all the tension die from him. "I'm sorry Y/N, I had no idea it was affecting you so."

"Did you not think I would notice? Even after all the time we have been together?" You asked gently. "I mean it Lindir, if you are unsure, then talk to me."

He moves and sits on the bed, looking at you guiltily. "I just don't like it...when others are near you like that, it makes me feel other things that I know I shouldn't, I try to help it, I do, but I just don't want to lose you."

You move to kneel in front of him, taking his hands in yours. "You will not lose me, not like that. I love you Lindir, nothing and no one is going to change that, no matter what happens."

He kissed your hands. "Just as I love you. I'm sorry if I've been so painful with this, I will try to be better. I just..."

"Don't want me to get hurt, as well as get hurt yourself, I know." You smiled. "You have nothing to worry about, I promise."

Lindir sighs again and pulls you to him, sitting on the bed next to him, where he rests his head. "Don't die for me though, I'm not worth that."

You gave a small chuckle, kissing the top of his head. "I will if I have to, because you are to me, but it was only intended as a figure of speech."

"I know."



"No more being jealous, okay?"

"I'll try Y/N. I promise."

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