Kili ~ Gluttony

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Both you and Kili didn't want to be here, although you weren't sure of many of the dwarves that did, but here was where you were both expected to be as Kili was a prince and you were his intended.

You stood next to him with your arms folded. "Why are we here?"

Kili sighs. "Because Uncle expects us to be."

"This has got to be the most fruitless thing we've been too." You said gruffly. "It's not like they're even interested in helping us."

A pair of elves walked past the two of you and took a look and then broke into giggles, walking off, making you scowl.

"They did help us win the war Y/N," Kili said, although he frowned after the two of them as well. "And Uncle and Thranduil have been in talks for a while, we can't expect them to come to Erebor all the time."

"You mean they helped after trying to attack Erebor first," You growled. "Hardly bonus points in my book."

Kili snorts a laugh, but shakes his head. "We just need to behave for a little while Y/N, that's all. Uncle and Fili can get this sorted."

But your gaze was now following another set of elves that were carrying rather large trays of food, an idea coming to you, making you pat Kili's arm. "Come on."


He had little choice but to follow as you ignored his question and were already walking away in the direction that the elves had come from.

"We could get in serious trouble doing this." Kili hissed after you, making you grin back at him.

"I die, you die, that's the way this goes." You give a laugh at his expression. "Come on Kili, don't tell me you've lost your sense of adventure?"

"Of course not," He said. "But even I know that there's a time and-"

He stops and you both stand in the doorway and stare at the piles and piles of food before you laid out neatly.

"Woah," Kili whispers. "What is all this for?"

You stepped forward into the room. "Probably the feast later."

Kili shifts a little uncomfortably. "We shouldn't be here Y/N."

Ignoring him, you went to the closest plate and took one of the items off, taking a large bite. "Holy shit."

"What?" Kili asked, joining you, still looking worried.

"This is damned good," You hold it out to him. "Here."

Kili hesitantly takes it. "We shouldn't be doing this."

But you were already moving to other plates of food, looking them over carefully before trying some, sending him a grin when you catch him still just stand there watching him. "Come on Ki, who's going to know?"

"Oh, I'm sure they'll notice," Kili said and finally tasted the food in his hand. "Damn."

Your smile widens. "How often do we get first pick?"

Finally, Kili laughs, it was still slightly nervous, but he joins you, and soon the two of you walked around the room trying a bit of everything, laughing about it and soon forgetting that there were going to elves coming back into the room, and why the two of you were meant to be here in the first place.

"We should steal some for Bombur," You said, giving a small laugh for a moment. "I'm sure he'd love to try and work out what's in some of these."

"You'd have to get him to try elvish food first," Kili laughed. "I don't think he's been too keen on it since Rivendell, he much prefers dwarvish food."

The two of you shared a look before laughing some more, your moods high, your bellies full of food, and it seemed a little strange, but neither of you were concerned about what would happen if you got caught.

"What are you two doing?"

Fili's voice made you both jump, but then start laughing some more at his horrified expression, unable to answer him.

He storms in the room. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you'll be in if Uncle finds you in here?"

Kili waves his hand, completely unfazed. "He's too busy out there dealing with Thranduil. We'll be fine."

Fili stared at him. "What are you? Drunk? Kili, he's going to murder both of you, you both know how important today's meeting is!"

"Don't be so dramatic," You shrugged. "It's just a bit of food."

"A bit?" Fili growled and looked around, almost all the dishes messed up due to over eager fingers. "You have eaten almost half of it!"

You and Kili looked at each other then broke into laughter again, the complete horror and seriousness in Fili's tone lost to you.

Fili shakes his head and then grabs both your arms, intending to pull you out of the room. "Right, well, out you two, now, before we all get into trouble for being here and-"


The handful of food hit Fili squarely in the face, Kili instantly bursting into loud hooting laughter as you grab another handful.

"Don't-" Fili ducks the next one, but then Kili decided to join in, his own handful of food hitting Fili on the back.

Fili growls, his eyes flashing dangerously as he reaches for the nearest plate of food. "You two are dead."

Out in the hall, Thorin is frowning, looking around for his nephews and you in the small gathering of people. Thranduil notices his distraction, but says nothing as a guard approaches and says something quietly in his ear, a smirk coming to his lips.

Thranduil sighs heavily. "It seems that your family can't help themselves."

Thorin sends him a dark look. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means," Thranduil said casually. "That they've started a food fight in the kitchens, after helping themselves of course."

"What?" Thorin growls and goes to march out when Thranduil's small chuckle stopped him.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it," He said, waving for some more wine to be poured. "We always make far more than necessary and it might just be a little enchanted, for such thieves of course. If you don't leaving them to clean up, then there is no issue."

Thorin stares at Thranduil for a long moment, debating what to do.

Thranduil gives a small shrug, the smirk tugging back at his lips. "You can scald them later, the enchantment takes a little time to wear off, and this way you also avoid further embarrassment with my court."

Sighing, Thorin rejoins him, looking less than impressed, his mind already working out what was going to be the best punishment for the three of you once you returned to Erebor.

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