Legolas ~ Glitter and Gold

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Most of the Fellowship had taken the journey through Lothlorien as a great relief after everything they had been through, quickly feeling rejuvenated and having time to start thinking of more of the journey ahead.

All but one thought little as they left, of anything unusual about the peaceful place, and Legolas was sure that, had he not seen what he had thought he'd seen, he'd be much the same.

But he couldn't chase the thought of red hair from his mind.

Legolas didn't want to dwell on it so much, but he couldn't help it, it had been some time since he'd heard anything of Tauriel and now that the thought was there, he couldn't shake it.

If it was her, why hadn't she said anything? Why had she just turned and left?

It left him unsettled and more unfocused than he wished to be.

It was in the back of his mind as they fought the uruk-hai, but he didn't let it slow him down as they struggled to reach Boromir's horn call. After a few moments, he got separated from Gimli and Aragorn, finding himself on his own

Then, there was another flash of red.

He wasn't entirely sure what it was at first, but as he turned mid battle, finding an uruk-hai downed before him, he stared and blinked as you shot him a wide grin.

"Try and keep up." You said and leapt back into battle.

It didn't take long before the two of you had cleared the area and were jogging through the forest looking for the others.

Legolas shot you a side long glance. "Who are you?"

"Is now really the time for that?" You asked.

"Well, you seemed to be hiding in Lothlorien, that's all."

You shrug. "Hiding? No, more like being kept out of the way. There are more than a few that think I shouldn't be involved in affairs like this, but I want to prove them wrong."

There was no more time for talking, battle upon them again, quickly followed by the parting of Boromir.

Once all was settled and Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli decided that they'd go after Merry and Pippin, and that left them with deciding what to do with you.

"Lady Y/N," Aragorn sounded unsure. "What are you doing out of Lothlorien?"

You smile at him. "I'm quite capable of taking care of myself."

He continued to look worried though. "My Lady, surely your mother-"

"Will understand." You looked a little annoyed now. "As will my father. They cannot expect me to be couped up forever in Lothlorien, especially with things happening as they are."

Legolas stares at you. "You're-"

"Adopted, but moving on." You start in the direction of where the uruk-hai had went. "If we hope to catch up to your friends, I suggest we move on."

Legolas remained unsure of you as the four of you travelled and he guessed that it was a good thing that he wasn't allowed to ask you some of the questions that were running around in his mind.

But then he watched you help restore King Théoden to who he was and even more questions came to him, flaming his curiosity.

Finally, a quiet time hit as you waited for decisions to be made. Legolas found you in the training yard, a little surprised, but was stunned to see exactly how skilled you were.

"For someone that was so protected, you are remarkably skilled." He said, making you smirk over your shoulder.

"Do you walk in the meadow of spring? Do you talk to animals? Does that sound more familiar to what you want to ask me?" You laughed as he looked a little guilty. "Relax Legolas, I was making fun of you. I may have been protected, but that does not mean I was not taught how to protect myself."

He flushes. "I never said that."

"No, but most think about it." You chuckle, sheathing your knives.

Legolas still looks uncomfortable, but he shakes it off. "How long have been fighting for?"

"Longer than I care to admit." You said. "Although with very little field experience. Most of my skills have been from training with the soldiers, not that it's going to stop me out here, as I'm sure you saw."

He nods. "I did. You make it look very natural and I'm glad you had my back."

You chuckle again as he flushes darker, realising what he said. "Happy to be of assistance. Hate to think you're out there without someone who can fight by your side."

Legolas tilts his head a little, still clearly curious, but at that, you pat his arm and walk away, leaving him alone in the training yard, still no closer to answers than when he had first seen you.

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