Thranduil ~ Kindness

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Legolas let you out. You didn't ask why, but you knew, you knew that he wouldn't sit back and let Thranduil do this either.

It hurt to leave, your chest aching the further away you go, but you ignored it, you had to as you caught up to Tauriel, who thanked you, and you all fell silent as thoughts of the danger coming consumed you.

You stuck close to Legolas, knowing you didn't want to make it worse between you and Thranduil by allowing his son to get hurt and in doing so, it allowed you to help the dwarves again.

Only this time, you knew you couldn't stay, you had to try and make sure that the orcs didn't get away, that they paid for what they had done.

Neither you or Legolas were lucky that day.

You could see the town burning as your returned and you quickened your pace, hurrying back to start helping those that survived the dragon, pulling many free from the water and binding many more wounds. You helped get fires burning and blankets drying so that they wouldn't be cold, winter coming quick and harsh that year.

Legolas and Tauriel headed to Gundabad and you stayed behind to help Bard, knowing that he was going to need all the help he could get, many of the townsfolk weak and wounded.

Your kindness in helping and staying, ultimately cost you another run in with Thranduil, who still remained furious.

His eyes were cold on you as two guards marched your forward, his eyes flashing as you met his gaze with sheer defiance. "Thranduil."

"You have some gall Y/N." He said coldly. "To think that you can keep getting away with things like this."

You folded your arms, determined to hold his gaze. "I'm not trying to get away with anything, I'm simply trying to help, which is more than you are doing coming here armed for war."

"If I'm not mistaken," He said sharply, stepping closer. "I still brought food and water for these people, I still-"

"Came with an armed host behind you against thirteen dwarves." You said hotly. "And for what?"

Thranduil blinks and looks away. "You wouldn't understand."

"I would understand better than most," You said quietly. "But is it really worth putting yourself through so much pain?"

He glances at you and for a brief second, you see the pain and struggle in his eyes. "You know nothing."

"We're two halves of a whole, but you know that." You watch as tension creeps into his back. "That's why you are fighting me so much."

Frowning, he gestures to the guards. "Get her out of here."

You go quietly, allowing yourself to be led away, to be kept under observation as you continued to help where you could.

The battle came unlike anything you'd expected, finding yourself trapped in the city, fighting for your life as you'd allowed several townsfolk to flee. Your blade whistled as it cut through the air and against the orcs, their numbers seeing almost endless as you fought, harder and harder, each blow feeling more desperate than the last.

Your blade hit another as you drew in back, a familiar ringing in your ears. You gad just enough time to catch Thranduil in your peripheral vision before he had grabbed you and pulled you quickly away from the on coming orc he'd distracted you from.

No words were said as you fought side by side, practised ease helping you fall into step.

It didn't seem too long though before the two of you were separated, finding yourself alone again, although this time, the city was much quieter.

The news the battle was over weighed heavily in your heart, hardly wasting a moment in helping those that were injured, getting them settled, shouting orders at the remaining elven soldiers that could carry and help prepare.

You didn't know that you were being looked for and at first, barely heard the soldier's words at first until he managed to catch up and tap you on the arm.

"Lady Y/N. King Thranduil is looking for you."

Your chest tightened but you nodded and followed the soldier around to Thranduil's tent, hesitating only a moment as he opened the flap and gestured for you to go inside.

Thranduil was seated, his gaze looking a little lost as he stared into an almost full glass of wine.

You went to talk, to say something, but you quickly realised that he didn't realise that you'd entered, so focused a long way away as he was.

And his face was covered in blood.

Quietly, you moved to the basin, filling it with water and dampening a cloth. You go to him and his gaze slowly comes up and meets yours as you start to clean the blood from his face.

Thranduil doesn't move as you clean him, ridding him off the blood and dirt, his eyes just watching you as you worked.

You found yourself brushing his cheek gently, making his eyes shut with a small sigh, leaning into you, the tension finally easing from him as he sighed.

Placing a light kiss on his brow, you smiled softly as his gaze met yours. It might not have been perfect, but in that moment it was what you both needed and that was all that mattered, the rest would come later.

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