Jack's Past pt. 7

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hello to my reader's who still read this book! I am sorry I am so sucky on the updates and never finishing, but after I finish Jack's Past section and I do 2 more request sadly I will be completing this book. This is going to be a long chapter! My updates are horrible and I absolutely suck at updates, but I am actually gonna try to write a stand alone book. If those of you who are reading would, I'd really love it if you could check it out! Here is the update on Jack's Past! I hope y'all enjoy!

real life- memories


"One down. Two more to go." 

The Guardian's gasped, they looked at Jack. He smiled softly.

"Nick wasn't murdered. He was hunted...and so were we." he whispered looking towards the memory.


"Hunted? What the hell do you mean hunted?" Bunny yelled. All of the Guardian's were in shock. 

"I mean hunted, what else do you think I meant? You got big ears kangaroo, but sometimes I don't think they work." 

Pitch rolled his eyes, leave it to Jack to bring sarcasm into a very serious situation. He watched as Asther's fur fluffed up showing his anger rising. He glanced over to his left to see Sandy chewing on his nails, or the sand on his nails. 

"Bunny, just watch you'll see that it didn't end up being that big of a problem." 

"Not that much of a problem! Have you lost your mind Jack?"

"You realize that you're talking to me right now right, it's not like I can go back. I am here aren't I so nothing happened!" 

Everyone watched Jack and Bunny start another one of their brotherly fights. Pitch looked around seeing everyone's reactions to the small argument.  

"What's wrong with you Sandy, other than the obvious?" He kept his voice low. Sandy looked up. The little gold man did not respond, still watching Jack. 

Sandy didn't have time to answer before the next memory started. 

"Dad, I want to go outside! There's been nothing for 2 weeks! Maybe he ran away, maybe a bear ate him, maybe he-" 

"Jack! This is not up for discussion! That note was serious, this isn't a joke." David yelled back at Jack. He didn't like yelling at his son, but right now it seems that is the only way.

It had been 2 weeks since the note and Nick was found. Ever since then, the town has been on edge. The boys were kept under lock and key, other kids were kept within eye sight at all times. Small little hunting parties would go into the woods to see if they could find where Jacob's brother could be hiding. 

Jack flinched at the yelling. He hadn't been yelled at in a long time. David looked over seeing the look on Jack's face. 

"There is nothing wrong with the church yard, Dad. All the kids are playing there! Even Emma is out there, and Andy's dad is letting him out now!" 

David bit his lip, looking over Jack. He didn't want to risk putting Jack in danger. Emily was with Emma, keeping a sharp eye on her. He looked out the window and then back to Jack. 

"Wow. He is very cautious over you Jack. He nearly beats Bunny and Pitch on the over protective nature!" North let out with a big laugh. 

Jack and Sandy started laughing along with North. Tooth let a small smile slip out, knowing that this was something that was serious. Pitch and Bunny obviously didn't find it funny. 

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