Guardians vs. Seasonals fin.

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This will be the end chapter, I know it is short but it is actually a sweet way I wanted to end things. I have college projects and the dreaded prom tomorrow so my next chapter on Monday may be a bit short but from then on it will be back to normal :)

I have designated a place called "The Fields" as a place where Mother Nature will have a castle, it is also a meeting place for all Seasonals.


"So that's the plan." Jack looked up from where he was balanced on his staff to the other Guardians. North, Tooth, and Pitch stood off to the side because they were babies and didn't want to be included in the war. Sandy and Bunny on the other hand wanted some fun, which didn't come as a shock to him. Even Phil wanted in on the war, along with his army of elves. His nightmares were gonna help but Tooth had banned the fairies from doing it. Kill joys. 

Sandy nodded in excitement. He turned to glare at North once again for not joining them. This was something Jack was finally letting them into after all this time. North's excuse was "I don't want anything more to come back on me with Christmas so close." Christmas was two months away, he was just a baby. Tooth was just nervous in all forms all the time. And Pitch, well he just said he didn't have the energy. Lazy shadow. 

Phil and Bunny just looked at each other shaking their heads. The seasonal world were always the ones that made things so dramatic sometimes. Everything was taken way out of proportion since the girls took over while Jack was gone, but he intended to fix that. All he needed was Bunny's tunnels and Phil's permission to use the elves. The shadows were his. He looked from Sandy, to Bunny, to Phil making sure they all understood. 

"Then let's go to the fields, we have a party waiting on us." North grumbled and complained all the way to the sleigh about how this was going to back fire on him. Sandy threw a toy at the back of his head to get him to shut up. Sandy was just happy Jack was finally doing something he loved with them, he didn't care what it was. Jack couldn't sit the sleigh so he just took off in the air. 

"This is not going to end well." Tooth said, wringing her hands together. She was very nervous about this. Tooth stayed out of seasonal business at all times. She didn't really here anything from their side either. The only people she spoke to Mother Nature. Tooth sat next to Sandy who was way to excited to be normal. Bunny sat beside her with his arms crossed trying not to focus on how they are in the sleigh. 

Jack's plan was that the Guardians show up without him there to find out just how mad everyone was, and to find out if his life was on the line of death from someone blaming the prank on him. They had sent Jack's little army elves through the tunnels with egg bombs and snow balls on the ready because if they weren't mad enough, the shadows and elves along with some little woodland elves Jack somehow became friends with would jump everyone. 

It was an extreme snowball war and Aster was all for it. Sandy was practically vibrating on the seat above him with happiness. Aster was aware that him and Sandy belonged to the older generation of spirits and it had been a very long time since they had any fun. Aster was also aware that Jack was upset about the fact North, Tooth, and Pitch would be sitting out but wasn't showing it. 

But that meant those three where on Jack's hit list. They knew the plan but they didn't know that Jack was now getting them too. If you're not on Jack's team, you're going to be on the hit list. Aster banned Mother Nature and Father Time from the hit list if they where there. He watched Jack flying by them with a shiver, his power was practically lighting up the area around him. No one was supposed to bother Jack while he was in deep work. 

"Aster, are you sure this should happen?" He turned to Tooth who was looking at him with worried eyes. Pitch sat beside her with a raised eyebrow seeming to wait for the answer as well. He turned to look at the boy flying beside them to see a smile on his face as he was flying probably thinking about what was about to happen. 

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