New Ways

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I have come up some names for Pooka's I am going to include, one name being from Angie one of my frequent readers (Ridley). When writing these next few chapters, I realized I named two people Andy on accident so if you see it put twice just let me know and I will change it to the real name.

I am also bringing in an old character arc ;) I will bring them in this chapter but the next few will go back to one-shots of the new families before I begin the next arc. You will see who in the end.

I will admit, I have written the next four chapters all in this week...


almost two weeks later

"Jack, get back here!" Aster watched with a small smile as Jack ran from his brothers, Liam and Ridley, as he held their weapon holders. Ridley was older than him by two years but acted as if he was the same young age as Liam. In human terms, Aster was twenty-two, Ridley was twenty-four and Liam was twenty-one. 

It had been a week an a half since Jack had came back an Aster couldn't be any happier. His whole family loved Jack just like he knew they would. His smile grew as he watched Jack use the wind to jump over Lilly before hiding behind her. Lilly had immediately taken Jack in as their kit too, even without him having to say anything. Apparently, she had been watching them for a while just like the rest of the tribe had. 

"Ah, Mom help!" His ear twitched at the playful scream as Liam finally caught Jack from behind the women. He hid his big smile behind his fist as Jack squealed from being tickled. It was good to see the boy so relaxed and loved. He knew the Guardians were a family for Jack but this was different. He could tell Jack felt more belonged here. 

"AH, YUCK! YOU OVER GROWN FURBALL!" Liam laughed as the kid groaned because he had licked the side of his face. There was laughing from all around in other groups. Liam remembered his tribe being calm and collective and they were when brought back but with Jack around everyone was more relaxed and humorous. If that made sense...

"Liam, Ridley, get off of him! You're squishing him!" Their mother walked up from the gardens with a stern face as she looked at her sons who have apparently jumped Jack. They got off of him, taking their weapon holders back and putting them on just as Aster had his around his back and chest. Jack sat up, staying seated as he glared at the older two.

"That was totally unfair." Ridley snorted as he pushed Jack back down. 

"Life's not fair, snowball." Jack rolled his eyes as he got back up, grabbing his staff and taking to the air. He landed next to his father who was looking at him with a raised eye-brow. He huffed as he crossed his arms, yeah Jack Frost was pouting. Jack loved being in the Warren and playing with everyone but it was weird having others get his attention and Bunny's. The new attention was making him nervous, it was a little overwhelming.  

"What's wrong, kit?" Aster looked Jack up and down to make sure he wasn't hurt anywhere that he was trying to hide. Jack just shook his head looking back out at everyone making him frown. Something was wrong but he couldn't tell what. He turned his full attention on Jack who was doing his best not to look at him. 

"Jackie, what's going on?" His kit glanced at him before looking back out at the field then back again. He twisted his toes in the grass before picking at the staff in his hand. Aster took in the signs of Jack's nervous ticks that he had noticed over the years. Jack finally sighed before glancing back at him, 

"It's weird." He said quietly, Aster bent his knees bringing himself to Jack's height. He knew when Jack got this way he would be nervous at the smallest things, especially height. 

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