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we left off on Sam being iced to the sculpture, the Guardian's on the way, and Jack being very scary with his powers. How will this go down?


"Jack, this isn't going to be good you need to-" 

"You need to hush." Sam clenched his jaw at the emotionless voice. Jack was sitting against another ice structure infront of them as they were waiting. The little russian doll had fully iced over, the sign of the alarm being set. Sam wasn't ready to see the Guardians after this long. He didn't want them to see Jack like this either. 

Jack had slowly iced over, a light layer of frost. It was like the light layer that shows on the grass on a early morning cold. Sam felt the necklace around his neck shaking as the demons in him were afraid. That ice had more power than it seemed. He groaned, bowing his head as a snow globe portal opened up a little ways to their right. 

North and Natasha stepped out with their matching swords out. Sam looked away as Jack stood up to his full height. He didn't dare move as he watched Jack stare at North who had lowered his weapon towards him. The air somehow got colder and that scared him. 

"Jack? What is going on here?" North looked at Sam who wasn't looking at him. He still held anger for the man as it was his fault Jack was almost fully taken over, it was his fault they almost lost him. North didn't know the full story. He only thought a deal was made by Jack from Sam. It didn't make sense but all of them ran with it. 

"We are waiting for the others to come so we can all have a conversation. I suggest if you are cold that you go back and get another coat." Natasha's eyes went wide at the attitude and snappy tone from Jack. She didn't know much about the story of Sam but all she knew was that North had said he was dangerous to Jack. 

"Jack, this is not the time. You don't need to be arou-" 

"You don't have the choice of telling me what to do right now." North's brain went on survival mode as Jack's eyes flashed a brighter blue. Jack was pissed. He swallowed glancing at Sam who was finally looking at him, shaking his head. There was no getting through to this one. 

"Okay. But let's at least go the Pole, your father won't handle being in the cold well." Jack looked between all three of them before taking away the ice holding Sam. He pointed towards the new portal with his staff to show Sam he wasn't going anywhere but there. Everyone headed that way as they entered the portal to see the room cleared out. 

Jack watched Sam slowly walk over to the chairs and sit while Natasha was watching him carefully. North had just turned in front of him with arms crossed as if he was about to be scolded. 

"Jack, this man is not a good man. You almost died last time you were around him!" Jack frowned but wasn't going to speak until everyone was here. It was as if they heard him when a hole opened up, the Bunnymund family jumping out. His father looked as if he could kill while the rest were gladly ready to follow. 

Sam looked up to see Aster do the same as North as he slowly calmed down to look at his son. A dark look was sent his way but it went back to Jack in confusion. There was a slight bit of surprise in him to see Pitch and Emily beside the Pooka's. Forgiveness was given fast there. 

The flyers were all together today apparently as Sandy, Denver, and the fairies flew in. He looked around to see everyone here that Jack was waiting on. He felt a light feeling on his skin as he glanced up to see Manny was peeking in through the skylight, far enough to spread light but not far enough to gain everyone's attention. 

"Now that everyone's here, let's have a talk." Aster looked at the seriousness covering Jack. He glanced back over to Sam to the see the man just looking at him. There was slight caution in his eyes that made Bunny feel a threatening feeling going over the room. He had never seen Jack like this. His son had laid his staff down on the table as if holding it wouldn't be a good idea. 

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