You're needed

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Our Story: Harvey's Life

Chapter 19: You're needed.

"I interrogated Alessia. They met Ivy in the bathroom and started bullshitting you. Ivy tried to defend you, they pushed her, she hit her head against the wall and you found her."

He twirled his fork in his food as I drank.

"Did you tell Scott?"

"Of course. I wanted him to feel bad about what he said." He smiled at me.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Someone called you from an hospital."


"Yeah, they said your mother wants you."

My fork fell to my plate.


"Does your mom work there or something? They said it was urgent but I didn't wanna wake you. You looked relaxed."

"Let's go!" I grabbed my jacket and picked my car keys.

"Right now?"

  We ran across the halls of the hospital as I located her room. I made the sign of the cross before entering the room. I opened the door and cleared my throat as she looked up at me.

"Come in," she smiled at me. I entered and leaned against her her bed. "I was told that I yelled at you a few days ago. I'm sorry, I wasn't in my right senses."

  "It's fine,"I waved her off.

"Hi,"Another voice greeted me. I turned slowly and met his gaze.



"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"Relax, I came to see my mom."

"Your mom?"

"Yeah, she's in the next room. I drop by here whenever I have the chance."

"So,you're the boy she's friends with?"


"Oh, I almost forgot. Luke, come in."

  He walked in eagerly. I couldn't blame him. He wanted to see how my mother looked like.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Johnson frowned as he saw Luke in that apron. He forgot to take it off.

"The latest style," he twirled around like he was in a photoshoot.


"So, this is your mom. She looks beautiful." Luke said as he scanned her with his eyes.

"Mom?" She repeated. "I have a child?"

"Okay. This is our cue." Johnson dragged Luke out of the room.


This is awkward.

I drew imaginary lines on the floor with my foot to avoid looking her in the eye.

"What's your name?" She asked me. Twin tears rolled down her face.

"Theresa," I managed to say even though a lump had formed in my throat.

"Come here," she held her arms open for a hug.

  That's where the bonding started. My routine after that episode majorly comprised of school,therapy and visiting her.


  I always Luke, Lucas or Johnson to accompany me whenever I visited her. I wanted to get better as soon as possible. Scott avoided me at school, not that I cared actually.

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