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"What did you find out?" Tess asked Caleb eagerly.
"The connection between Cap and Mr. Harvey."
"What is it?" Eva's asked.
"They met during a murder case that happened in Mr. Harvey's house. The murder of his wife's mother."

"Grandma," Tess muttered.
"She was your grandma?" David stood up.
"Not mine exactly. She was his wife's mother. After they got married,she stayed with me for a while before she was murdered. She was a nice woman."

"But did you know that Mr. Harvey was arrested as a suspect?"
"What?" Tess gasped.
"He was the suspect but he was released due to lack of evidence."
"They never said that to us," Tess exclaimed. "I suffered so much after she died. She was stabbed but no DNA was found on the knife."

"They also released Mr. Harvey because he had an alibi. His alibi was his wife."
"Zoey? Well, she wouldn't want to suspect her husband of her mother's murder," Tess shrugged.

"That was when Cap and Mr. Harvey met. They kept in touch since then," Caleb finalized.
"What dirt do they have on each other to make Cap feel like his subordinate?" Tess wondered.

"You said your grandma stayed with you right?" Caleb asked.
"Is there anything in her room that can make us find her killer?" Mitch asked.
"I'm not sure. Ever since she died,I've kept her room locked."
"You should check it, we might find something," Diana urged her.
"Okay, I'll try. Keep working," She walked out.

That room had a lot of memories. Everything in there smelt like grandma.

"Hey!" David ran after her. "If it's too much for you to do, I can do it instead." He offered.

He could see how much this was hard for her.
"It's okay, I knew I had to do it one day." She told him to go back.

She was about to walk inside when Jason appeared.
"Hey!" She ran to him. "Are you okay? You fainted on National TV!"
"I'm fine, really," he chuckled. "I don't know why I keep losing my balance."

She helped him inside even after he insisted that he was fine. She got him a bottle of water and removed his jacket and shoes to make him feel more comfortable.

"Tess," he pulled her. "I'm fine, really."
"If you say so."

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you with the team?"

"I had to do something in the house."

"What?" He inquired.
"I wanna clear grandma's room."

"That room that I tried to open?" He asked to be sure.
"Yeah, I'm looking for evidence of her murder."
"She was murdered?"
"Yeah, in that room. That's why it's always locked."

"Can you do it alone?" He asked her.
"Will you join me?" She pleaded.
"Of course," he wiped a little tear that slipped from her left eye.

They walked up the stairs together and she quickly picked the key from her room. As she approached the door, she stiffened. Jason noticed this and placed his hands on her shoulders to make her feel relaxed. She sighed heavily and put the key in.
It was with a heavy heart that she turned it and the door opened. The room finally saw light in a long time.

Jason pulled the windows open first. It was neat, orderly but dusty and stuffy. Grandma hated dirt. That was why Tess cleaned the house every last Saturdays when she was in high school. She walked to the table and saw a framed photo. Jason was peeping from behind.
It was a picture of Tess when she was fifteen hugging grandma tightly. She had a full smile on.
The picture warmed her heart and she smiled. Jason patted her back before asking,"Where do we start?"

She looked around for a while.
"I'll start from the closet," she said. "You handle this spot," she pointed at the table area.
"Okay,let's do this," He rolled up his sleeves and they started.

Whenever he saw a photo of Tess in her early teenage years, he never missed the chance to make fun of her. It was lively and at the same time lonely.
"Tess!" Jason called out. "I found something!"

She was like The Flash. She appeared suddenly. "What is it?"

"This," he held up a dusty phone.
"Grandma's phone."

It was cracked.
"Where did you find this?" She asked.
"Under that," he pointed to a deep corner.
"I've been looking for this for years. She did know how to use it that much but I taught her. When she died, I couldn't find it."

She tried to turn it on but it won't.
"I think it's out of battery," Jason suggested.
"Or maybe some technical issues, you know, because it's cracked?" She also suggested.
"Let's get it to Diana," she ran and he followed.

"You're just in time!" Mitch pulled Tess as she walked in.
"I found something," she tried to free herself.
"We found something too."
"The connection between Ironman and James!"
"Really?" She exclaimed.
"They met at an orphanage when they were kids. Mr. Harvey didn't adopt them but he provided educational support for them."

"I like this, were getting somewhere," she smiled.
"What did you find?" Eva asked.
"Oh right," she remembered. "Diana, get this phone back to life," she gave it to her.
"Whose phone is that?" David asked.
"You found her phone?"

"Technically, Jason found it but still, I have a feeling that we're gonna find something important."

"Good job," Caleb winked at Jason.

"Diana," Tess called. "Is it done?"
"Give me a minute, I'm not a robot."

"Where is the orphanage?" Tess asked Mitch.
"Here in New York. It's located at Aimsburg."

"Aimsburg..." She muttered. "Sounds familiar."

"The phone's back," Diana announced.

Everything that had been in the phone was now on their computer.
"Please let us find something," Eva clasped her hands together and prayed while Diana typed.

"I'm going through her messages and calls first," she told them.
"Okay, you do that. I'll go to Aimsburg."

"Tess," Jason called. He was struggling to breathe.
"Jason," She held him up, trying to avoid him fainting.
"Your face seems blurry," he murmured before he passed out."

Our Story: Harvey's LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora