Ride on, Ryder

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I just really miss Ryder. He's the only one that understands me apart from Ivy and Scott. He sympathizes with me when I'm sad, cheers me up and loves me even with my issues.

There's also someone who loved me the way he does.

"Wow, you've got your own gym. You're really surprising me."

Luke remarked as he walked backwards into the gym with the friendship manual.

I activated the treadmill and started running.

He sat down on a rocking chair that grandma left in there and started reading the manual.

I really didn't expect him to be serious about that stuff. After running for a bit, I sprawled out on the floor and drank hurriedly from the bottle of water.

I sniffed my hair and it smelt really bad. Shower time, Tess. Tatiana Manaois' Helplessly blared out of the speakers of my phone.

I brought my phone out and Ryder was on the screen. I smiled to myself as I swiped the screen.

"Sup?" I said and he chuckled from the other end.
"What's up is that I'm in front of your door, pressing that doorbell but you're not answering. Where are you girl?"

"You're at my door?" I stood up abruptly.
"No, I'm in Japan." He replied with a sarcastic tone.

"Oh my God, I'm on my way!" I ran out of the gym with Luke hot on my heels.

"Ry!" I slowed down and took in his appearance. He was dressed in a blue shirt over dark blue trousers with a black long overall coat.

His brown hair was messy as it was tossed around by the wind. He had a suitcase with him and a backpack.

"Tessa!" He yelled at me with a smile. I ran and threw my arms around him, taking in his perfume.
"I feel suffocated," he whispered softly.

"Shut up," I tightened my arms around his neck.
"Stop making out with me!" He pushed me away gently.

"You wish," I rolled my eyes at him and opened the door.

"This house hasn't changed a bit," he dragged his suitcase along with him.
''Do you mind introducing me?" Luke stepped in front of me.

"Who's the guy?" Ryder asked raising an eyebrow at me. His eyes widened immediately.

"Did you break up with Mendes?"
"Yeah, but I'm not with this..." I pointed at Luke in a scornful manner.

"Why? I like him,he looks good to me," he hung his coat by the door. "I'm Ryder, her cousin," he extended his hand to Luke.
"Luke." He shook it with a firm grip.

"I see you've got the friendship manual," he winked at him.
"I gave him today and he's gonna hand it in tomorrow."

I took his backpack from his arm and walked upstairs.

I brought out my phone and dialed Scott's number.
"Ryder's here."
"Really? I'm on my way."

I walked downstairs and saw Luke sitting on the couch cross-legged.
"Where's Ry?"

"Ry's in the kitchen," he said in a high-pitched voice.
"You know I don't sound like that."

I stepped into the kitchen and saw Ryder by the fridge. He was holding a cup to his lips and he seemed deeply in thought.

"Scott's coming over in a few," I said and he was startled.

I walked up to him and he seemed uncomfortable.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
He was avoiding my eyes.

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