Assbob Jerkpants

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It was him. That devil that just returned from hell. I didn't even know that son of a gun.

I rolled my eyes at him and started walking to class. I was already late because of that stunt Alessia pulled.

He walked by my side and tried to wrap his arms around me but I shook it off.

"You're pretty,"he smirked at me.
"Thanks,it means a lot."
I snickered at him as I walked to my locker to pick my note.

I kept walking as he also kept tugging at my hoodie.

"Can you move?" He was standing in front of me.
"You're different," he smiled and I think I melted.

"Again, thanks," I brushed past him but he pulled me back by my wrist.

He pulled me close to him that our noses were touching. He smelled like roses and his breath, like milk.

My hand was poking his abs and I looked down.

"Checking me out?"He grinned widely at me.
"In your dreams," I whispered back.
"You like this position, don't you?" he smirked, brushing my hair with his hands.

"Get a life, you asshole!" I raised my knee with force into his groin.

I watched as his eyes widened. He let me go and knelt on the ground, trying to attend to Luke Jr.

"Bye darling," I waved mockingly and left the spot for class.

As I approached the class, the teacher strolled out,his back was facing me.

Class was already over. I entered quietly and sat down in between Scott and Ivy.

She gave me a weak smile. I looked over at Scott and hit his ear, hard. "Ow!"he whined, rubbing his ear.

"What was that for?"
"For not being there for your girlfriend!"

"I know,I heard. I'm sorry."
"You should be," I rolled my eyes at him.

The entire class went silent and like a moment later, it went loud again.

I turned my head swiftly, giving myself a whiplash in the process. He strolled leisurely into the class and took a seat behind me.

"Hey pretty,"he smirked at me.
Ivy looked at my face for a explanation.

"You didn't learn your lesson, right?"
"I don't wanna play no game," he sang.

"Hey Luke," Scott greeted him with a smile.
"What's up, Daniels?"
"I'm good, you?"
"You really expect me to answer that?" he grimaced. "Dude, I just arrived from prison and you're asking if I'm good?"

I stood up realizing that the next subject was maths.
"No one sent you there."
"You talking to me, honey?"
"I ain't talking to you, darling."

I picked up my bag.
"You skipping class?" Ivy asked, looking up at me.
"Yeah, I need to see Julian. I'll meet you guys at lunch."
"Bye,"Scott waved.

I walked out of Preston and headed towards Pizzaria. Julian was my boyfriend. He was in college. Two years older than me.

I saw him sitting at one of the booths in the shop and he waved me over. I walked in and sat beside him.

"Hey babe," he kissed me and I kissed back. He starts to deepen it but I pulled back for air.

"You're skipping class to see me?"
"Yeah," I placed my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You okay?" He asked noticing my mood.
"I'm fine," I whispered into the crook of his neck.

"You know ' I'm fine' means you're not."
"I'm fine, just a little bit stressed."

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