Cruel? Cruella?

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"I just didn't want to believe that he was that cruel," Barb complained.
"Yes,he is. Believe it or not, I'm gonna put him behind bars," Tess stood up.
"How's Lucas holding up?"
"He's in captivity, what else do you expect? Jason has a virus in him and he's freaking out! All thanks to your ex-husband."

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Evil is bound to show its face one day."
"When you get him," Barb stated as Tess turned around. "Don't kill him. He is your father after all."

"I don't have a father," she walked away into the house.

She moved slowly to Grandma's room. They made a neat mess the last time they were in here. She bent down and started to arrange the room. She dusted the mirror and pulled out a drawer. Grandma's make-up were ruined, probably expired. She drew the closet open and saw her dresses. She was a fashionable woman. Her
fascinators were all hung on a rack.

The bed was really dusty. She hadn't cleaned the room in a while. She saw a mouse run under the bed.
Wow, that's new,she thought.

She raised the bed to place it against the wall. It was dusty underneath as well. She noticed a little creak in the floor. She bent down and tried to open it. It opened. It was like a tiny safe. It had some papers in it. They were damp and dusty too. She picked them up with care and took them to the kitchen.
She turned on the hotplate and placed the papers there. In ten seconds,she removed them, went upstairs to get the iron.
She spread each one and ironed it out.

When it was a little bit dry, she started reading.
"Corrupt deeds of Mr. Tom Harvey," she read out. "Instigation to murder? What is all this?"
She walked upstairs to her room and spread out the papers. The same thing was written on everything. It was just copies of the original.
"James and Tony were instigated. He ruined the innocent kids lives," she continued to read. "The orphanage at Aimsburg housed them."

"The orphanage at Aimsburg housed them?" She repeated. "Aimsburg?"

She cracked it. That's why it sounded so familiar. Grandma visits the orphanage often.
"James and Tony were instigated?"

Tess stood up with the papers and went to the cottage.
"Can I have the visitors list?" She asked Caleb.
"Sure," he gave it.

She scanned through the pages carefully, searching for grandma's name.
"There," she stopped on one. "She was there that day."
"Who?" Caleb asked.
"What?" He drew the list closer. "It's true."

"What's Diana doing?" Tess asked. Diana was wearing her headphones. "Is she listening to music?"
"No,she found some recordings from your grandmother's phone so she's going through them."

"I think grandma saw Mr. Harvey incite murder."

"What?" David joined.
"Here," she dropped the papers and they each took one except for Diana who was oblivious to her surroundings.

"James and Tony were instigated. He ruined the innocent kids lives?" Mitch read out loud. "What does that mean?"

"It means that Mr. Harvey told James and Tony to push the Father off the roof and grandma witnessed it."

"But, why?" Eva asked no one in particular.
"To make them his minions?" David suggested.
"Minions," Tess muttered. "I quite agree with that. He wanted to show them how it's done so they could do it for him later. He probably doesn't have any blood on his hands."

"So smart," Eva said.
"That means, your father tried to kill you!" Caleb shouted.
"What do you mean?"

"When James tried to crush you, it was probably Mr. Harvey's orders."
"You're right," David agreed.
"That psycho," Eva whispered.

"You're a murderer. I wish my daughter knows the real you. What did you do with Tess's birth mother? Did you kill her too? She probably doesn't know who her father is." Diana said out loud like she was quoting something.

"Diana," Mitch removed her headphones. "What was that?"

"A recording. It was recorded on the day she died."

...You're a murderer. I wish my daughter knows the real you. What did you do with Tess's birth mother? Did you kill her too? She probably doesn't know who her father is...

They replayed the recording over and over.
"So, he actually killed her?" Caleb asked.
"Diana, is this all?" Tess asked.
"No," she tapped the keyboard and it continued.

"They don't know me. It's enough that I provide them with money and comfort. You're not gonna blow my cover. You're just an old woman who doesn't know her place, "
A piercing sound was heard next and their eyes grew wide.

"You won't get away with this," she groaned in pain.
"I already did."

The next thing heard was silence.

"After an hour, the cops came," Diana said.
"He actually murdered her," Tess muttered.

"We gotta take this guy down," Mitch said.
"I agree," Eva joined.
"He's too evil to be left alone," David stood up.

"Diana," Tess called.
"Get me an arrest warrant discreetly."

She was already working when a mail came in to the team's phones.
"Oh no," Eva exclaimed.
"Not now!" David shouted.

"What?" Tess asked them.

"We've been asked to resume!" Caleb banged his fist on the table.

"We can't do that now!" Diana complained.

"Gimme a sec," Tess excused herself and went out.

"Hello," she said into her phone.
"Hello? Ms. Harvey?"
"Yes, what is this about?"
"I don't have any idea what you're talking about."

"You asked my team to resume," she growled.
"Yes, because they've spent enough time vacationing."

"I need them," she said. "I'm sure you know that they're my rookies. I can do whatever I like with them. Right now, they're training for Texas."

"I'm pretty sure you also know that they were at my station before you arrived. They belong to NYPD before they're recruited to Texas."

"They don't belong to anybody. They fight for justice."

"Oh please, like you'd know anything about justice."

"How dare you!" She yelled.

"Why are you taking this out on me? Weren't you the one who sent a message to Texas, saying that they needed a new team leader?"


"Your request has been processed."

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