The Retraced Steps

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"He fainted?" Caleb couldn't believe his ears the next morning. "But he was fine yesterday when we saw him."
"It may be from the trauma," Eva reminded them.

"Diana, the briefing," Tess said as she took a seat.
"Yes," she stood up and walked to the projector.

"Everything started with the murder of the high school girls who lost their left breasts and eyes. All we caught on CCTV was a old person carrying their bodies around. We eventually got to Tony Stark who was eventually revealed to be a prosthetic make up artist. We searched his house and found three girls tied up and two missing body parts. We were gonna indict him but a order came from above that he should be released. We found out that he was acquainted with James Sullivan and our team leader began to tail him until he tried to turn her into a taco. After that, James has been silent. James was acquainted with Mr. Harvey who seems to be a suspect too. That's everything we have," she sighed.

*Retrace your steps* Jason's words kept ringing in her brain.

"We need to find out about Tony Stark. I told you guys he wasn't the killer, right? We need the connection between Mr. Harvey and Cap. We need to know how and why those girls got killed."

"We'll find everything. I'll distribute the tasks so leave. You can go," Caleb said.
"Go where?"
"To Jason. You're worried about him, we can see that. We're cops, not heartless jerks," he winked.
"He is the one with an unrequited love after all," Mitch shrugged.
"Thanks guys, I'll be back soon. Work hard," she picked her keys and left.

"You heard the lady!" Caleb gathered the case files. "Let's work hard and out an end this!"
"Let's do this!" Mitch agreed. "Let's give her a farewell party after this case, she deserves it."
"Diana, look into Mr. Harvey's entire history. David, you need to find Cap and Harvey's connection. Eva and Mitch, look for any similarities between the victims. I'll handle Ironman and James."

Jason looked really happy to see Tess. Luke was standing next to him.
"How are you feeling?" She asked him. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay."
"It's okay,I'm feeling okay."

He was wearing his suit.
"By the way, what's going on? Why are you all dressed up?"
"I told you I had an interview," he smiled. He looked really weak.

"Interview? You can't go anywhere until you get full rest. What if you faint again?"

"Ssshh!" He placed his finger on her lips. "Don't jinx it. The doctor said nothing was wrong with me."

"I need to see him," she stormed out.
"I guess she's finally learning," he chuckled.

She knocked gently on his door.
"Come in!"

"How may I help you?" The doctor asked.
"I'm Jason Gerard's guardian."

"Oh,the one in the V.I.P room?"
"Is there a problem?"
"I wanna know what's wrong with him. Why would he faint all of a sudden? Is he overworked? Is he stressed?"

"Mr. Gerard must be lucky to have a wife who worries about him so much," he smiled as he pulled Jason's file on the computer.
"I'm not his wife."
"Is that so?"

He clicked many times before turning the screen to her.
"I would be lying if I said I knew what was wrong with him. He had to have a reason for collapsing but he doesn't. It's really weird. His records are normal,that was why I said he could leave."
"He got kidnapped recently. Can it be due to the stress it trauma?"
"It's none of that," he said. "That's why it's weird."

"Oh, I remember. There's a weird spot on his arm. He said he was injected when he was kidnapped but we don't know what they injected. It was all swollen. Could that have anything to do with it?"

"Maybe. If we knew what was in the the needle,we could get a clue."

"Thank you," she said and excused herself.

Her phone was vibrating in her pocket. It was a video call.
She answered it and Riley's face popped up.
"Aunty Tess!" She squealed.
"My little darling, how are you?"
"I'm fine," she said, her mood changed suddenly.
"What's wrong baby?"
"Mommy's acting strange these days."

It must be her mood swings, Tess thought and chuckled.
"She suddenly gets angry and then consoles me. Sometimes, she cries without a reason."

"Riley," she called. "You know mommy's having a baby right?" She nodded. "It's the baby's fault," she said. "The baby wants to come out of mommy's belly and be with you but it's not yet time. Remember when you used to be stubborn? This is it. The baby's being stubborn so you have to console mommy and pray that the baby comes out safely. If the baby meets you, mommy will be fine, okay?"

"Okay," she replied grudgingly.
"Don't you miss me?"
"Of course I miss you but daddy says I can't come to you yet."

"He's right, you have school. I promise to spend your break with you."
"Really, you promise?"
"Of course."
"Thank you," Riley sent an imaginary kiss and ended the call.

"Good parenting Tess," she patted herself and smiled.

When she arrived back at the cottage, everyone was working so hard that she was proud of them. She felt restless about Jason's interview so she turned it on. It was a live broadcast. They were just starting.

"Hey New York!" The host said. "We're here live with the hottest CEO of the moment. He's been on every news channel since his new launch. Let's welcome Mr. Jason Gerard!"

He walked in with a smile and waved. He was on his way to his seat when he stopped. It looked like he was dizzy. He regained his composure quickly and went to sit.
"How do you feel today?" The host asked.
"Hmmm, I feel excited."
"We are too,it's so nice to see you on the show."
"I'm glad I'm on it," he laughed.
"We'll start the interview," the host said and Tess noticed Jason looking weird, like he was trying to hold himself up. "This question is about your latest launch, Fatherd. What motivated you to use that name? Is there a story behind it?"

He was about to speak when he fell from the chair into the floor, lifeless.
"No!" Tess exclaimed as she stood up.
"I found something!" Caleb stood up suddenly.

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