You have to respect us

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This is a terrible day for me. Why did he have to call me right now? He couldn't have chosen a better time?

I hung up on him and went to my next class. I entered and almost every eye turned to me.

Damn, this popularity  of mine.

''What are you looking at?'' I growled and they turned back to their businesses.

I took an empty seat back and settled in.

''Hey,'' a voice said beside me. I glanced sideways and saw Max smiling at me. This dude still had the nerve to smile at me after all that confession.

''Look, I didn't know that you were not aware of your reputation. I just thought that you knew. I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything.I'm sorry about the shirt too.'' He looked down at my shirt and so did I. It still had that terrible stain.

''Maybe you should go wash it in the bathroom or something." He suggested.  ''No, it's fine.'' I brushed it off and laid my head back on the desk.

  I didn't even know how I survived the rest of the classes but as soon as I got home, I regretted my decision. Mr and Mrs Harvey were sitting on the couch, sipping coffee while Ryder was wearing a pink apron with a tray in his hand.

Fuck! I hated that color.

''Ryder, I'm home,'' I said and went upstairs.

After three hours of my peaceful slumber, Ryder rudely screamed for me. I lazily got out of bed, changed into shorts and a tank top.  I went downstairs and saw Ryder holding up a red dress. It was laced from the top to mid-stomach. There were little shiny roses patterned on the lace while the res of the material flowed down freely.

I'm in love.

''You bought me a dress?'' I smiled at him as I collected it.

''No, your parents bought it.'' He picked up a bag.

''Ugh!'' I threw the dress onto the couch.

''And they brought this,'' he held up a black tux with a red tie, ''for me.''

''Let me guess, they want us to wear these to the function tomorrow?''

    He nodded and I stalked off to the kitchen. I picked up a burrito on the kitchen counter and chewed my way in.

''The people who made this outfits are gonna be at the wedding tomorrow. They want us to wear the clothes tomorrow so they'll be impressed.''                                 ''Why do I have to live my lives according to their wishes?''

A phone beeped. Ryder picked up his phone and faced me.

''Did you argue with Scott?''

''Why?'' I ate the last part of the burrito and dusted my hands.

''He said he's coming over in five minutes. He could have sent it to you, why me?''

''I don't know.''

         After exactly five minutes, our doorbell was jingled. I walked to the door and opened it. Scott looked surprised to see me. I looked over outside and saw Luke's RV.

This guy really turned my front way into his parking lot.

He's gonna have to start paying.

He walked in and went straight into the kitchen. I plopped down to the couch and scrolled through channels. Later, he came out.
"Goodnight Tess," he said before heading for the door.
" I'm sorry. Have we met?" I tried to put on a remembering face.
" Tess! You have to respect us as your friends."
"Dick," I stood up and went to my room. I really couldn't believe that Scott did that to me. We were buddies. My phone started vibrating. It was a video call from Luke.
      I turned on the TV and turned the phone to face it. I swiped the screen and accepted the call.
"Hello? Theresa? You there?"

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